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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Also a programmer :) I still wanna be able to actually browse my file system with a GUI at times. I don’t think “oh but you could just use the terminal” is an acceptable solution to such a monumental part of an OS

    Dunno how you manage that with the fans. Everyone where I work has the same complaint. It was even worse at my old job that used the intel macbook pros that were before the m1, the fan was even louder and would always stick to 100% after a while, like it couldn’t adjust itself and just ran at full speed. We couldn’t really solve it either.

    Anyways, the os is just way to clunky and developer-unfriendly for me. We’re actively trying to get new laptops so that we can finally ditch these macbooks. Maybe if we were frontend-only they would be more suitable?

  • This has to be some kind of joke, right? I have an M1 macbook through my job and it is absolutely horrible. For starters, the file system is absolutely horrible and “dumbed down” and requires you to learn special button-combinations to even find files, the UI in general is “form over function” times 100, and ooooh the horror of not having snappable windows. Also the fan is horribly loud and is often at 100% due to the terrible thermals. Sounds like a jet engine.

    I’ve had it for over 2 years now and use it daily but it still feels like I have to battle and force it to be able to do what I want. The trackpad is nice though!

  • Where are you located? Personally I am located in Sweden and have some tips and tricks here, but my knowledge is limited outside here sadly. Personally, I applied to a coding bootcamp and worked my way up because I knew for certain that I wanted to become a developer, and didn’t want to mess with the “other stuff” that a university program implies. I had some very limited previous experience with coding. Most countries usually have something more “job specific” and shorter than a uni program, and in that case I would recommend something like that!

    Most important of all: Please just DO IT. I worked as a lathe mechanic for years longer than I should have. I was just scared of change. Now, I am happy every single day to go to work, because I remember how hard my life used to be. Take my advice and don’t be afraid, if you feel like a job in IT would fit you better!