Ich bin mir sicher, es war Boris Laschet.
We just discussed some services in our company. In some cases we put very much effort and money into tailoring the tools (almost no cloud solutions, but purchased products) and validated the resulting workflows for production. Non critical stuff (e.g. MS teams) can easily be replaced as long as other external partners play along.
Consulting companies must really factoring in the long run benefits, like leaving a walled garden and having more sovereignty. In the end of the day your folks need to tag that with a number and explain why people should invest more and what their gains will be. Many companies working as open-source advocates fail to persuade (otherwise there wouldn’t be so many low effort low cost business standard [what ever that means] buyers).
I would be very much interested in following your approach. Please share links, when you are ready (I’ll start stalking you on mastodon for that matter :-)
No problem at all. Actually, it is funny. Oftentimes re-positing (crossposting) leads to people addressing the cross-poster.
Did you find people for that undertaking? I can imagine it is hard to convince companies if they are already deeply invested. I mean, everything that isn’t a drop in replacement will kill the processes and the productivity for some time. Some areas even have certified partners and processes in place which is an invest for itself.
Well, if you got an iPhone or a Phone that is not, yet degoogled, what good is it to trash the Phone? Thinking of the environment, it doesn’t seem to be sustainable or economic at all. Use it till it breaks.
That would be a good proposal. In the last time we’ve got a lot of these GPT/Gemini based Apps popping up.
By the way: the first line of logos says something along the line of “known from” followed by media outlets. The sponsorhip is at the bottom of the page and it seems like it is vastly government sponsored.
The time was 2022 🙈
Ich kann ja den Preis anpassen, aber ich wollte eher darauf abzielen, wie VW Preise gestaltet :-).
Grundlegend spricht ja auch nichts dagegen. Einigen Arbeitern von strauchelnden Unternehmen wurde eine Stelle bei Rheinmetall in der Munitionsfertigung angeboten. Ein Alstom Werk wurde von Rheinmetall übernommen… da ist also viel im Wandel.
You can always got with Apps that manage tasks by using a caldav server. These might be a little bit limited, though.
“Also… Basisversion, da liegen wir so bei 250.000€… aber wenn sie ne Klima oder nen Navi - wir reden hier ja auch Infotainment - dazu haben wollen… tja. Dann wird’s wohl ein bisschen mehr kosten Herr Pistorius.”
I suppose the capacity for about 80% of the need is there.
We (EU) just don’t have products for few certain military needs.
It is a crosspost.
You would have to contact OP on mastodon → https://chaos.social/@lazurski/114144974069718193 or lemmy → https://feddit.org/u/[email protected]
Even if, not all goods are available in the EU.
Quite interesting in terms if European jobs and the stock market.
It is basically an open-source prepaid PayPal.
Being prepaid decouples it from given banking networks (just like paypal does).
How bascially awesome is this? I never heard of it before, but I would love to see it skyrocketing.
My ancient Synology DS218+ keeps on running and running. Also excellent software, which makes everything super easy.
Buy the items as small as possible 😂
Diese verknappte Überschrift gefällt mir.
Klingt wie “Justus in der Bar angekommen. Alk. gekippt, umgekippt, gereiert.”
I EDC a little Helikon-Tex sere pouch with small items and a small Helikon-Tex first aid pouch.
First aid
The pouches go in my backpack.
If I’m going jacket only, I’ve got some bandaids, a blanket, a CPR mask and a bandage in the pockets.
In European countries, where we don’t shoot at each other this might already be overkill as every car has a first aid kit and almost all bleedings will be stopable with those bandages.
Well… have a look at Rheinmetall, Renk, Hensoldt, Leonardo, BAE, SAAB, Thales… 🤭