• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Nah, if it was communist propaganda, it would mean that you get no material reward compared to anyone else, but could count on the teacher to pass on a good word for you with the principal, who then might mention your name positively at an education board meeting, who then might mention you to the mayor, the governor, etc, and now you have a real shot of becoming dictator of the single-party government that rules your country.

    Value not consumer prizes and instead seek nepotistic alliances, for through them will the material comforts flow. —Mao, probably.

  • People always frown and say I’m being cynical or pessimistic whenever I tell them I’m a misanthrope. They assume I’m bitter and I irrationally hate my fellow human. Couldn’t be further from the truth. I actually like most people I meet. I just have a very low opinion of us as a species. If you look at the track record, I’m many of the most important aspects, it’s really abysmal. We have undoubtedly accomplished many great things, but we’ve also committed uncountable horrors—and both patterns will continue—but I’m not impressed in the final analysis. In fact, I’m pretty disgusted.

    Anyone interested should briefly study individual psychology vs. group psychology. Specifically, why individuals are often better problem solvers than groups. There are reasons groups tend to make worse decisions overall than individuals. In a nutshell, it’s because the loudest voices prevail in groups, not the most intelligent, educated, insightful, etc. On a grand scale, that translates to those who want power the most are the ones who wind up in the positions that wield it. And this isn’t due to any social system or set of laws or constitution; it’s due to simple human psychology.