What do you mean by “become bullshit”?
What do you mean by “become bullshit”?
One of Us! One or Us!
What Distro are you switching to?
Here in Germany the current big “conservative” (which is increasingly radicalizing itself to the right) party, the CxU, is taking notes big time from US political rhetoric and they’re far from the only ones doing it.
They can be really stable. I think your milage severely varies on how much you know what you’re doing and how careful you are in respect to certain things.
Personally I’ve been using Arch for 5 years and I haven’t really had any problems with things breaking on updates.
Have you tried packaging zulujdk 17 and thinkorswim and installing them with rpm-ostree?
Sure, I’m happy to introduce you to our Lord and Savior BQN
Personally I use ledger for something like this. It’s a double-entry accounting system and from what I’ve heard similar to GnuCash though I haven’t used that one.
Parsing and Categorizing of bank statements would probably need to be done manually or with a self-developed script, though maybe there’s already something made for that. I haven’t looked so far.
Schön wärs auf jedenfall. Wäre dann vielleicht auch mal ein Weckruf für viele zum Thema DRM.
Nah, it’s obviously Nyarch Linux
That’s optimistic
Da gibt es auch ein relevantes Gesetz zu
Edit: ich hätte ja auch mal eine Kommentaren weiterlesen können und es da auch gefunden ^^
Ich mach mir ja noch ein bisschen Hoffnung, dass dieses Gutachten da noch nachhelfen kann