Get things done asap. I do the dishes immediately after eating. I deal with all paperwork as soon as it comes to my attention. I write shopping lists before going to the stores. Every appointment or meet up with friends gets put in my calendar.
The big benefit of this approach is that I get a lot of things done and don’t become stressed out about unfinished chores.
Highly organised.
Always got on with him well. I hope everything turns out fine for him and his family.
Oh, didn’t see that. Sorry OP. ^^ In my defense, it’s super bright outside and it makes reading on my phone a lot trickier. For TNG - the most important ones for me have already been mentioned here.
The pilot of SNW and Ad astra per aspera (SNW S2).
Great, now this song is stuck in my head. Damn you, catchy R.E.M.!
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
New Batcave / Death Rock album of a friend’s band. They are called Cataphiles. Digital version is available on Bandcamp (pay what you want).
Autsch, da braucht Fritze wohl eine doppelte Portion Aloe Vera.
Pistorius soll sich mal nicht so anstellen.
It’s going to be shite. I live here (again) and I’m already thinking about moving to a different country (again). Do you get a tax discount at some point for not wanting to deal with far right gobshites and Nazis at some point? Just asking…
Damn, he must be the twin brother of Captain Trevor Hall!
Thanks. On it!
My breaking point was Sunday when seeing the exit polls in Germany. Every 2nd person voted for far right grifters and actual Nazis. I’m slowly planning to move abroad again while I’m also joining every protest in my area and I intend to be a lot less civil on top of that. Half the country declared war on minorities and people with low income. Since I’m LGBT, I’ll fuck them up by any means necessary if they force me to do so.
Unterschätze niemals die Dummheit von Menschen. Auch in LGBTIQ-Kreisen existieren genügend Vollidiot*innen.
Passenderweise bin ich Teil der 43,5 Prozent. :)
My thumbs are double jointed, so I can move the middle parts 90° backwards.
I think Strange New Worlds could be a good start for someone entirely new to the franchise. Not too dark, a lot of vibes from the The Original Series and solid cast / writing.
Aloha :)
You’re welcome.