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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • I had a long reply written out, but then it got erased. 😓

    I can’t think of anything else it reminds me of, since we haven’t really gotten to the actual plot yet. It’s say watch episode 9, and see if you like that. It gives a sense of the silliness and seriousness we’ve seen so far without killing any previous set up jokes or finishing a fight, but it does have jokes and fights. If you like that episode, start from the beginning and give it a bit to get up to speed.

    If you watched Gintama, I know you have the patience to give a show time to figure out what direction it’s going to go.

  • Helck had been fun for me. Went in blind, and at first thought it was too goofy and random, but the world grew on me once we started to learn about the actual antagonists. Huge fan of Piwi.

    Zom 100 I also went into blind. It has really connected with me as in going through a bunch of negative life changes right now, so it’s helping me keep focus on doing things that make me happy. Plus the show is really good!.

    Devil is a Part Timer I’m not fully caught up on, but the latest part has been much better than the previous one.

    I plan to check out Murder Farce and Link Click at some point too.

  • Very valid points. I forgot WordPad existed and I use Notepad way more than I’ve ever used WordPad. But many people still havent really used computers much in depth beyond specific things they’ve been shown.

    I know I could just use Google Docs or throw LibreOffice in there, but many people now in retirement age have still managed to dodge learning much about computers.

    If you deliver a new computer that can’t type a letter, send an email, and play YouTube out of the box, that seems like a fail. And I feel many that won’t know what do do without something like WordPad also may not have an Internet connection, nor should they have to if they just need a presentable looking doc.

  • Zom has been such a huge hit for me. I have been taking it kinda personal. I’m losing my job at the end of the month, and after 3 years of working from home and having so much if my life back under my control, the thought of even 3 days in office, let alone 5, is crushing me on to of all the other bad news I’ve been getting lately. I really feel for what the MC is going through.

    I had watched S1 of JJK, and I read a decent bit ahead in the manga, but MHA and CSM gave me what I liked from JJK and did it better, so I dropped it completely.

    Just checked out the trailer for Murder Farce since some others mentioned that too. That looks pretty interesting to say the least. This thread has gotten me so many new things to watch

  • Yes, the color effects instead of outright gore I think are more dramatic. My brain is expecting the red, but the bright bold colors add a bit of surprise to the moment. It’s a very creative show and has been a positive surprise for me when I want exciting much from many shows this season.

  • Aww, I tried to keep it really vague in case anyone hadn’t seen it. Most of what I said is set up in the first episode though. This show doesn’t hold back in the savage parts though, even though so far it’s mainly about him trying to have fun. There is a good bit of stuff you probably haven’t seen before to look forward to!

  • To get right to the meat of the article:

    New School Foods’ process starts by creating a biopolymer gel. This homogeneous hydrogel is placed in contact with a freezing surface and the gel is directionally frozen, resulting in the formation of thousands of directionally aligned, microscopic ice crystals traveling away from the freezing source.

    Once the gel is fully frozen, the ice is removed, leaving behind empty channels. These channels act as a scaffold; the channels are filled with proteins and other ingredients (color, flavors, fats) to form the muscle fibers.

    This was pretty close to my guess from looking at the pic of the the raw product. It looked like if you’d flatten out a swirled soft serve ice cream cone. The lattice structure should create a nice flakey texture.

    Flavor is always the hard part, but I’m not looking for 1:1 replacement there. Actual recipes can always help shape the flavor to your palette. Salmon is pretty distinct, so maybe a generic white fish may work better.

    There are always negative comments about it being processed food, but I still think the ecological benefits will outweigh that. Adapting our cooking can offset the near term nutritional issues. Use less meat, real or synthetic. We might not be able to keep our current habits if we want things to improve. We can start compromising now, or sacrifice later. That’s my feeling about it at least.