• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I had a chance to play for a couple hours this morning, and I’m impressed so far! It’s a metroidvania game, but with a souls-like bonfire/estus flask/lose experience on death and try to recover it mechanic. Movement and combat feel fluid, and deflecting attacks feels great. The combat system seems simple right now, but I have barely unlocked any of the systems in the game and it’s a metroidvania so I know the complexity will only grow.

    The world is beautiful and has a complex history that I want to learn more about, although the dialog is a little bit jointed, probably due to localization issues. There are definitely some aspects of body horror to the game, with humans Apemen from the Big Blue Planet being used as livestock in a creepy, gory, ritualistic fashion in the first level. It’s definitely not a horror game, though-- the protagonist is powerful and can fight back against enemies without fear of running out of resources, although combat is definitely unforgiving.

    I can tentatively recommend it right now, although I haven’t played it enough to give it a full review yet. I haven’t played it on my steam deck yet, but I’ll give it a shot tonight and give my thoughts over on the steamdeck community

  • There was a good Royalist? I’m guessing you mean Rene, because it sure wasn’t Gary the Cryptofascist or Measurehead or the Racist Lorry Driver. Imo the only thing that stopped Rene from becoming someone like Dros were his relationships with Gaston and Evrart. If he had been “alone” the way Dros was then the investigation may have gone quite differently

  • Employers would ultimately see it as not their mess, not their problem. They already pay the minimum wage they legally can, if they wanred to pay their employees a living wage then they would already be doing so. They know that they will lose their current experienced servers, but they also know that there will always be desperate workers who have no choice but to accept the crumbs that are offered.

  • betheydocrime@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldTipping culture npcs
    5 months ago

    I understand what you’re saying, and what you’re saying is only concerned with individuals, not systems.

    What I’m saying is that regardless of how many individual people turn that job down, the job listing at that wage will still exist. Eventually, someone who is down on their luck will become desperate enough to take it because they don’t have any other options left.

    They could be homeless people trying to afford the deposit on an apartment, or single dads trying to pay for field trips for their kids, or ex-cons locked out of conventional employment trying desperately to earn an honest living, or college students trying to buy one used textbook, or even uneducated twenty-somethings trying to build work history so they can stop working for tips.

    All of those desperate people, the people who have no choice but to tolerate the wage that you have too much self-respect to accept–they deserve nice things too. Their boss is a greedy, insufferable bastard who is willing to pay them the minimum that he is legally required to. If he could pay his employees less, he would do it in a heartbeat. By refusing to tip, you are climbing in to the same boat he’s in, no matter what ideology you shout as you clamber over the gunwales.