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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • If you find a villager with no job. Trap it. Place a lectern next to it. It becomes a librarian. Check what it sells. Silk touch? Nope. Break the lectern, the villager reverts to not a librarian. Villagers only keep their jobs if you have bought something from them. Replace the lectern, check (it now has new items for sale), break, rinse and repeat. Once you find it, buy it and the librarian will be locked to always sell it.

    Only downside is you need emeralds. But on the upside, you get infinite silk touch.

  • I would hope the whole thing is a joke in general.

    “The sun gives us light when it’s ‘already’ bright” is where the real logic breaks down. “I don’t need <thing> because I already have <benefit from thing>” is circular logic.

    So of course we wouldn’t have sunlight at night without the sun. but we also wouldn’t have sunlight at night without the moon.

    Whether we want to call it “more useful” than the sun… it is just as useful as the sun at night. We need both of them for the system to work. I was just trying to snarkily emphasize that we shouldn’t downplay the moon because it is “just” reflecting sunlight.

  • “This hardware works fine and even has compatible software that it works great with. But I’m going to prefer the broken software for other reasons. And that means it’s the hardware’s fault.”

    Software that is built to be compatible with a wide variety of hardware should be compatible with a wide variety of hardware.

    If software can’t handle a 16.5:16 aspect ratio, then that’s bad software. I don’t care how weird of a niche thing that is… just make your software abstract enough to handle those cases.

    It’s 2024, any resolution/aspect ratio/DPI combo should be supportable. There’s enough variety of monitors out there that we should have a solution for handling things on the fly without needing to have a predefined solution.

  • The archinstall script has a list of “profiles” that you can select from (custom, desktop, minimal, server, tailored, xorg)… And if you select “desktop” it will prompt you which DE or WM you want to install. (awesome, bspwm, budgie, cinnamon, cosmic, cutiefish, deepin, enlightment, gnome, hyprland, i3, lxqt, mate, plasma, qtile, sway, xfce4).

    By the time you’re done with the archinstall script, you basically have a fully functioning arch (ive never used the script seriously, so I have no idea what all remains not set up doing this).

    The main difference between Arch and Ubuntu in this regard, is that if you want to run KDE Plasma, you download the common Arch ISO, and select Plasma at installation time. Compared to Ubuntu where you would download the “Kubuntu” spin, so you are selecting Plasma when you acquire the ISO in the first place.

    There is no “default” arch DE, so when you install Arch, there is a lot of decisions to make (and you may not know how to make those decisions if its your first distro), whereas Ubuntu makes a lot of decisions for you, so you have to answer no questions to get set up (but you may be set up in a way you weren’t expecting). In this regard, Arch really does just feel like building a PC from parts, you just have to pick all the parts. Ubuntu is more like buying a pre-built.

  • I disagree with your definition of “killed Linux gaming.” It killed native Linux development perhaps. But using Linux for gaming is more viable than ever thanks to Valve. They single handedly boosted Linux gaming, if anything.

    And they also offer more than the competition. For a while there games on EGS were just telling people to get support on steam forums because epic had nothing for supporting games they sold. Steam has forums, screenshot storage, achievements, remote play, friends lists, a shopping cart (🙄) and is adding new features like clips. I’m not using steam because it’s a monopoly, I’m using it because it’s a better platform.