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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • Going by time when you start out may just be a more realistic way to set goals you can stick to when you don’t know your pace? Once you settle into your pace, you should be able to map out some routes that will give you an X minute workout (give or take)

    One thing I learned embarrassingly recently while training for a race way outside of my comfort zone - slow the hell down. If you start off running fast you are just front-loading the lactic acid buildup in your legs, which will make the back half of your run harder - if you are tracking your runs with a Fitbit/Garmin/phone, make a conscious effort to keep a consistent pace - even if it feels like you are running in slow motion at the start, you will find it much easier to run longer, and your overall pace will be faster as well.

  • I didn’t enjoy running until I worked myself up to doing longer distances, like 8k+ runs - before then it was a painful chore I felt obligated to do, now I go stir crazy if I don’t get out for a run at least twice a week.

    That being said, even now, runs are a slog until I get into my groove, which happens around the ~3k or 15-20 minute mark, but once I get there I’m happy to keep going for another 10-20k

    You mention going by time and not distance - I assume you are on a treadmill? Personally I can’t stand treadmills, it’s monotonous, and there isn’t as much air movement around you, so it’s harder to thermoregulate.

  • The feature is explicit sync, which is a brand new graphics stack API that would fix some issues with nvidia rendering under Wayland.

    It’s not a big deal, canonical basically said ‘this isn’t a bug fix or security patch, it’s not getting backported into our LTS release’ - so if you want it you have to install GNOME/mutter from source, switch operating systems, or just wait a few months for the next Ubuntu release