These were his loyalists. He purged the career staff from leadership/management positions in these offices, and replaced them with people like these 6 prosecutors (conservative credentials like clerking for Scalia). The leadership in the Public Integrity Section got forced out (either resigned or got reassigned to an immigration task force), so the leaders who remained were specifically appointed by Trump.
The US Attorneys generally all resign upon a change of administration, unless asked to stay, and this Danielle Sassoon was appointed acting US Attorney by Trump. She’s a conservative Republican.
I believe the death penalty is immoral because I don’t believe there is such a thing as an act so heinous that it would be moral to kill them after the fact.
There is room in my moral framework for killing in self defense or defense of others, but I leave that to require some kind of immediacy. And I think enemy combatants in a hot war are fair game, too, but that requires a hot war as a precondition, and I don’t think we’re there right now.