• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Ahh ok so this is basically my point. I’ve done a lot of distro hopping and noticed some distros GNOME or KDE or whatever, desktops look way different from other distros using the same desktop. I have no clue what goes into such customization and I’d rather not install a lesser know, possibly unstable distro just because of their specific spin of a DE, ya know? I suppose I need to learn more about customizing environments myself, but don’t know where to begin, other than the obvious built in settings you can tweak

  • Thanks, I’m starting to realize this. There are many different aspects and tools to use to assess different parts of your system. I just want to ensure my system is bug and error free. I just have no idea where to start and with what tools and how to understand and implement things. I know logs are a popular option, but even those confuse the heck out me me. Like I KNOW there’s issues within my system but its difficult to find the right way to pinpoint and address things. I sorta wanna be like an investigator for my computer lol I want to really dig in and make sure everything is proper. Its just so daunting and vast and confusing. Chat gpt helps me with some stuff, which is actually very useful because answers on forums and what not can be all over the place and a lot of times the solutions dont quite work.

  • Thanks so much. Wow those are some tricky questions lol. My only computer and main device is my dell xps 13 9310 laptop with Intel i5 evo processor and I think 8 GB of ram. Storage isn’t a concern as I never really store anything and if its important enough, I put it in the cloud. I am currently using linux mint 21.2 with cinnamon desktop.

    I just installed it a few weeks ago because I was using debian 12 bookworm and was having issues with freezing and errors and WiFi problems and I could not successfully troubleshoot them (my only helped is chat gpt lol) so I wiped my drive and installed mint. I’ve been doing this same thing for a while. Swapping distros either due to boredom and curiosity or I break them to the point where idk how to fix it, so I reinstall.

    I believe I have installed apps outside of official repos, sometimes successfully other times not. I try not to do that though. And the big problem is I can’t ever really tell what triggered the issues and a lot of times its hard to pinpoint WHAT is causing the issue and sometimes if I’m lucky, I can narrow it down to a certain thing, but there’s usually a ton of errors and such I find along the way. I do successfully troubleshoot and fix some things, but there’s more complex stuff that is out of my wheelhouse and I usually make things worse in my troubleshooting efforts lol

  • Thanks a lot! The issue is that linux is very complex with many aspects and I am not pro lol. Like niceness, I’ve heard of it and seen it in htop, but idk if the settings are correct. There’s so many programs, daemons, software, and actual hardware, idk where to start exploring and tuning the system myself. Its very overwhelming, so I figured maybe some of the tools I listed may help. For instance, I’ll spend hours And hours trying to understand logs or reading tutorials to help check for and fix errors or problems or broken things or misconfigured things but I just get lost and none of it makes sense. Like I’ll read an error line in a log, but I have no clue what it means. I’ll google it and sometimes try solutions, but even then, a lot of that is confusing and leads me down other rabbit holes too lol. Its vicious really… So needless to say, I have no idea where or how to start properly fixing or tuning things myself yet alone pinpoint actual issues. Its tricky but I’ve gotten better over the years, usually trial and error

  • Thanks. See these are the things I dont know. I pretty much only use the browser on my laptop. I try to keep most things within the browser, but obviously have some apps/tools/programs like bitwarden, vlc, libre word, a textpad, just your basics… The only intensive thing I do on my computed is browsing. Sometimes I’ll get into researching and use the browser heavily, lots of tabs lol or I’ll stream videos I.e. Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, whatever… Thats about it. No email, unless I use the browser. I typically use my phone for emailing. I do always try to look for light options as well. But I have zero knowledge of the technical workings under the surface, so I would have no idea how to properly configure certain aspects that may need fixed or configured. If I ever do configure something I either go by the manual or just use settings that I want. Idk I just wanna make sure everything is always properly balanced as possible, but as I’ve explained, I do have many strange issues here and there whether they’re errors, hangs or freezes, slowdowns, overheating, high CPU or ram usage at random times when I’m not using heavily, idk. Linux is a complex system and I dont have the knowledge yet to understand and tweak the inner workings yet. Too confusing and dont know where to start

  • No no I’m sorry, you guys seem to be misinterpreting things a bit, I’m not really looking for MORE performance because there are obvious hardware limitations, I’m just looking for tools that help optimize what I have to work with. To ensure things are balanced and smooth and running within normal bounds. Trying to enhance I guess health and overall usability. Make sure things aren’t running out of control or consuming more resources than they should. I mean I can look at htop and understand some things, but I by no means know how to use that info to manually configuring things myself, ya know? Just like the many monitoring tools out there, but ones that automatically make adjustments accorsingly, so daemon type programs I guess?

  • Oh man I’ve done a lot of research on various performance issues and I end up wormholing and getting even more confused. Hence why it would preferably be nice to have tools to do it for me lol. I’ve had many random issues over the years; errors, freezes, overheating, high CPU and/or ram usage when I’m seemingly doing nothing but browsing the web (normal browsing, nothing intensive), overall slow downs or crashes, not to mention WiFi issues. I’ve trouble shot that to death and could never get anywhere so I installed a freaking Ethernet jack the other day in my living room, where I typically use my laptop. I’m just looking for tools to monitor and ensure things are running as they should and to help optimize in real time, so like daemon programs I suppose. Whenever I run into a serious enough issue that I can’t troubleshoot, I just end up wiping my drive and reinstalling a new distro. Thats not the ideal way of troubleshooting haha

  • No, I think you may have misinterpreted my post. By performance, I just mean overall performance, preferably optimized for the perfect median… Not trying to squeeze more performance, just trying to work with what I got and ensure all the moving parts and software and such are playing fair and on the same page… Basically looking for just smoothness and proper running of my systems at all times. I’ve had so many issues over the years, most likely user error, with just freeze ups, overheating, high CPU usage when I’m not really doing anything intensive at all and not to mention many WiFi issues, but that’s probably a whole other topic. I dont quite know what aspects or programs I should configure or how or if everything should just be default, etc. Sometimes I just wing configurations to things that make sense to me. Needless to say, I just want to ensure my system stays on the same page and runs smooth, how it should, with fewer errors or slowdowns or other annoyances.