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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • I agree with you on Massa, and on needing a change. But I also think Milei is likely gonna continue to drag the country down plus whatever brand of crazy he wants to stick to once he gets into office.

    The truth is you were gonna be screwed (economically) either way. Massa did not give a shit about the country and his greed plus his incompetence (if not his disregard for the good of the people) led to the 140% inflation Argentina is currently experiencing. Milei on the other hand is legitimately crazy (I’m not talking about the conservatism) and also economically incompetent. I understand why he won, and I agree that Massa led the country to the disaster it is in now.

    The options you could have voted for were both essentially promising to drag the country down. The only difference was that Milei hasn’t had a chance to prove it yet, and that makes him seem more promising than Massa who has proven to be who he is. Short of a miracle or a revolution, you were always gonna get the short end of the stick, economically speaking (which is what most voters obviously care about). I wish you the best and still hope it might turn out better than it seems right now.

  • Unfortunately western media just tends to gloss over it all. I’m not sure if reporters can’t fathom the US supporting ethnic cleansing or if they just want to avoid the flack they’d receive by being honest.

    Please watch a documentary that covers any of the previous foreign wars the US has been in, especially those that came about before the internet boom (or better yet, one before and one after). I personally like to recommend the Panama Deception because it’s free on youtube and pretty short and succinct (only 90 min). On top of that Panama is still currently dealing with the issues started and maintained during the “wars” discussed in that documentary (I don’t knowing if you’ve seen about the ongoing Canadian mining protests).

    The documentary covers some of what happened obviously, but it also shows some of the news airing at the time from the biggest American news channels that were covering the wars and how they covered it. You’d be amazed at what was claimed at home vs what was happening overseas. The MSM may as well have been a third arm of the US government. As much as they like to pretend to be neutral on domestic affairs which the people watching would easily be able to criticize, it should really be no shock to anyone that they’d mostly be parroting US gov talking points when it comes to foreign affairs.

  • Yeah that’s part of why I like to recommend it lol. Most people aren’t up for watching anything that takes up much more time. They managed to show quite a lot in a relatively short amount of time. There are more that cover similar events in other central/south american countries like for example the Battle of Chile, which is actually a three part docu series. But they’re generally less available (not on yt but you can still find it on internet archives) and they take up a lot more time so unless someone is really into the subject they probably won’t wanna watch it. The Panama Deception on the other hand is a pretty quick watch and obviously much more easily available to most since you can just find it on youtube.

  • People posting articles from israeli sources aren’t the problem. It’s the botlike behavior from OP. I actually counted the posts he posted in the last 24 hours after coming across a bunch of his low-effort posts multiple times in a row. It’s probably added up to closer to 50 posts at this point.

    I’m sure you’d realize what the problem was if someone made a pro-Palestine bot and started spamming the sub with a bunch of articles as well. It’s annoying when one account does it. It becomes impossible to deal with when more accounts start doing it.