• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Whoo!

    • Brush: Zenith 506B MB (27 mm × 51 mm Manchurian badger)
    • Razor: Zwilling J. A. Henckels 14 (8/8", extra hollow ground, carbon steel)
    • Lather: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Roman Spice
    • Post Shave: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Roman Spice
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company – Seaforth! Roman Spice

    YAYYY! @[email protected] is back on patrol! Thanks @[email protected] for fixing it!

    LG are done, I’ve cleared my docket first thing in the morning and shaved with Roman Spice as the second thing. This set has arrived during Lather Games, and I’ve been itching to use it. I love the fresh apple opening and I’m still processing scent. I think it’s going to get a lot of use this summer.

  • Bon Voyage, Lather Games!

    • Brush: Mühle Boar Brush – Deutsche Demokratische Republik (GDR)
    • Razor: СПЗ Консул – Українська Радянська Соціалістична Республіка (Ukrainian SSR) #Stainlessless
    • Blade: Нева – Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика (Russian Soviet Republic)
    • Lather: Купа – Купа – България (Bulgaria)
    • Post Shave: Wars – Fresh – Rzeczpospolita Polska (Poland)
    • Fragrance: Красная Москва – Красная Москва – Российская Федерация (Russian Federation)
    • Me: Switzerland

    Another Lather Games edition is in the can, and we made it to the end almost completely without drama! I want to thank the participants and my fellow organisers from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful month of June! I’m looking forward to recording the podcast wrap-up and the winner announcements soon.

    Our hobby on this sub is pretty anglo-centric, so I decided to look east for today’s international theme instead for a change.

    Theme: The cream Купа is from Bulgaria, home of sub legends u/MrTangerinesky and u/DjanovShaving.

    Relevant post and frag: All items used are on theme.

    Special challenge: The Mühle brush is from the same Mühle company that still makes razors. This NOS brush was made around 1975, shortly after the owner family Müller had been expropriated and the company had been transformed into a Volkseigener Betrieb (Publicly Owned Enterprise, the main legal form of industrial enterprise in East Germany). The Razor was made in Severodonetsk in 1990 in the Ukrainian SSR. It’s a pretty neat clone of the Gillette Slim. The blade was made in 1963 in Leningrad in the Russian SSR. It’s tuggy. The post shave is from (modern, democratic) Poland (fresh!) and Красная Москва is from the modern day Russian Federation (“Smells like a cheap old woman’s perfume” - my wife).

    An interesting titbit about Красная Москва is that it and Chanel N° 5 have the same origins in the last decades of the Tsarist Russian Empire. Here’s an interesting podcast episode about it for those who understand German.

  • Sandalwood Saturday, The Penultimate Challenge

    • Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive MOAR BADGER (Silvertip) #SUBBROOSH
    • Razor: Eversharp-Schick Hydro-magic (I2, NOS)
    • Blade: Personna Injector Blade
    • Lather: Proraso – Sandalwood
    • Post Shave: Taylor of Old Bond Street – Sandalwood
    • Fragrance: Le Labo – Santal 33

    I can’t believe that LG is already almost over again!

    Theme: Proraso Red is a dry, warm, slightly dirty sandalwood scent.

    Relevant post and frag: Both the post and frag are completely sandalwood-forward frags. I smell like dry twigs on a sunny patch of forest floor.

    Challenge: It would be a bit unethical for me to answer since I know the current rankings. Well, now I do, but I knew this challenge would come, and I answered today’s challenge on day 1, before I had relevant knowledge. Here’s my answer:

    • Main ROTY will go to u/MudAccording. He’s going full hog right out of the gate. The other two roty prizes are random so your guess is as good as mine.
    • photocontest goes to u/Crossan1983, that black and white shot looks well set up, like he means business.
    • FoF u/Hugbckt: Great write-up, someone to watch.
    • LG goes to u/Tsrblke. He was a joy to follow last year, and this first post looks like he’s full of energy this year, plus, he has that racing team!
    • No Scruba: The real winner here is going to be everyone (awww!) I’m looking forward to u/Enndeegee’s no scrub list, and dread his scrub list.

  • Frugal Friday

    • Brush: I Am (house brand of local grocery store chain Migros)
    • Razor: Wilkinson Sword
    • Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    • Lather: Arko – Berber Tiraş sabunu
    • Post Shave: Wars – Classic - Energetyzujący Płyn Po Goleniu
    • Fragrance: Brut — Original

    Theme: To my chagrin, the cheapest soap by weight in my den seems to be Arko at CHF 22.80/kg, eking out a narrow victory over my palmolive stick (CHF 30.67/kg) which I bought in my local pharmacy a few years ago when it went out of production. The soap performs well enough, but I struggle with the scent. This is based on a technicality, because I do own an even cheaper soap, Vitos, but it’s in my mountain den, so it’s not in my collection today.

    Relevant post and splash: also the cheapest in my den. Wars is CHF 43.33/l and Brut CHF 78.00/l.

    Challenge: Luckily I got rid of my horrible clipped boar brushes at CHF 1.50 per brush last year after Frugal Friday (I bought them for my Rookie Lather Games, when there was still a bonus point for using 30 brushes and they were tërrible), so this brush is my new cheapest one at CHF 6.80. It’s still garbage, but less. The Wilkinson razor is GBP 4.99 including the blades, making it my cheapest. Saving so much money on today’s shave wasn’t worth using that brush. I’m getting rid of the brush and Arko.

  • Information Overload

    • Brush: Zenith 506B MB (27 mm × 51 mm Manchurian badger)
    • Razor: Schick Repeating Razor Type C
    • Blade: Schick Injector Blade
    • Lather: Highland Springs Soap Co. – Eclipse
    • Post Shave: Highland Springs Soap Co. – Eclipse
    • Fragrance: Chatillon Lux – Gratiot League Square

    My fellow djudge u/RedMosquitoMM’s and my mind have synchronised. My shave happened 12 hours ago, or 7 hours before skeeter’s, I just haven’t had the chance to post yet.

    Eclipse is warm and rich and comforting, and more importantly for today’s theme, it has 21 scent notes.

    Relevant post and frag: Gratiot League Square is Eclipse’s lost sibling sharing the tobacco-leather-sandalwood core.

    Challenge: I got distracted. Started with my left, forgot about it by pass number two. Sigh.

  • Christmas in July, but in June

    • Brush: Bite of Mammoth – Victor Hyggo
    • Razor: Henkotsu #KAMISORI #STR8SNOB
    • Lather: House of Mammoth – Santa Noir
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann – Dickens, Revisited
    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth – Santa Noir

    Today I’m using HoM, which means that it’s a great opportunity to buts out Victor Hyggo, the French philosopher Mammoth brush.

    Theme: Santa Noir is so on theme that the logo wears a Santa hat. I doubt that it’s physically possible to be more on theme.

    Relevant post and frag, Dickens is also totally winter themed with the splash bottle art depicting a snowball fight and the soap art depicting a couple on a joy ride on a horse-drawn sleigh.

    Challenge: The Kamisori form factor is my least practised type of open blade, so I thought it appropriate mitigate risks and protect myself by wearing a helmet for this shave. unfortunately there is no good way to keep lather from messing up the chin strap even when it’s dangling. shaking fist angrily at clouds

  • Christmas in July, but in June’s Eve

    • Brush: Dogclaration LG 2022 Mystery Brush (B16)
    • Razor: Wardonia Possibly a “Rugby Set”
    • Blade: Personna Platinum
    • Lather: Eleven Shaving Blue Spruce
    • Post Shave: PannaCrema Nero
    • Fragrance: Spearhead Shaving Company Seaforth! 3 Scots

    Christmas Eve! This sub is so damn generous that I had lots of choice today ♥

    Theme: All around great guy and Chief Podcast Djustice u/OnionMiasma has a 100% participation rate so far in this year’s Lather Games. Thank you for letting me try this soap from a new-to-me soaper, Onion!

    Relevant post & frag (and razor, and brush…): Everything in this shave was received with no exchange of currency involved from someone who is involved in the games in some way: The post shave was a gift from u/VisceralWatch, my friend and one of the two wettubers I follow. He donates his time as a Lather Games Djudge and Podcast Guest Djustice. The razor is from my friend u/Semaj3000, who gave me this piece of Sheffield history and serves as a Djudge in the SOTD Photo Scavenger Hunt. The brush was my prize from u/declarationgrooming after I OnionMiasmaed the 2022 Lather Games, and 3 Scots was a PIF from u/Ironbeard_SYS, both of which are sponsors in this year’s games.

    Challenge: I’d love a sub exclusive straight razor from Ulrik of Koraat. A big full hollow 7/8 with blacksmith finish and MOAR BOAR-green scales. (Think Sparschweinchen, but full hollow).

  • Sweet Sunday

    • Brush: Zenith 506B MB (27 mm × 51 mm Manchurian badger)
    • Razor: Zwilling J. A. Henckels Friodur 14 (8/8", extra hollow ground, stainless steel) #STR8SNOB
    • Lather: Summer Break Soaps – Teacher’s Pet
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts – Pomona
    • Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. – Sweet Stuff

    Theme: Teacher’s pet is red apple with brown sugar. It smells sweet and yummy and happy.

    I’m sad it’s been discontinued, but luckily Braeburn scratches the same itch.

    Relevant post and frag: Pomona is another sweet apple scent, and finally Sweet Stuff is here to dial the sweetness to 11.

    Challenge: This was the perfect opportunity to try my new-to-me rubber lather catcher thingy that barbers use to wipe lather from the blade without running water. (My preferred kitchen shave spot is an the kitchen table, not the sink])