• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Like I said, I’m not arguing that many apps are built as electron apps when they’re just glorified web apps. Though I’m neutral on whether that’s a bad thing or not. I’m definitely against apps being built with electron that don’t really have UIs, defeating the entire point of electron and friends…

    VSCode is another example you’re missing. And they have put a LOT of work into making as many features available in the web-version as possible, the feature parity isn’t an accident.

    Or Obsidian.

    Examples aside, you might be surprised by applications you may not think of as not using native features, that rely heavily on them, expecting to be executing in a Node environment and not a browser one. Especially on the networking and process side. Browsers are extremely restrictive.

  • What are you talking about…? Please re-read my comment above :/

    An electron app is a natjve application that renders a browser based UI. You appear to be conflating the browser-based UI with the whole “native application” thing.

    It comes with all the advantages a native application does, like having hardware access, working natively offline, working with the filesystem, interfacing with the OS and installed OS packages, being able to use other native binaries, being able to use more native networking capabilities…etc

    Sure lots of electron applications that people make could just be a web app, I’m not arguing that.

    I am, however, pointing out that you are grossly incorrect that electron (and all other technologies like it, we’re not really just talking about electron here) is 'just a web app". It’s a native application server and a web-based UI, which means I can write an application in C# with all of the .Net advantages, with a web UI, that runs natively on your device for example.

    This lets me ship a product much faster than if I was going to build that UI in QT or GTK, with a significantly upgraded user experience that is consistent across all platforms.

  • Which is… Also a real desktop app. This shallow take is getting incredibly old, and doesn’t even contribute to actual valuable discussion… If you don’t see the value in this being shipped, then why try and tear the value down for others?

    I main C#, and even I would rather build cross platform full applications with electron than any of the other options available. I’m definitely choosing it over QT or gtk. Why? Because I can actually ship the project with all the necessary features, in good time, and bake in a great user experience.

    That’s the difference here. Practical problems vs reality. Shipping the project & features vs not.

    Yes, there are many successful applications not built with electron, ofc there are, that’s not my point. My point is that the productivity difference is such that it’s the difference between not building the thing vs building it and successful shipping it to users. You can argue and shit on the difference, but at the end of the day the above is what really matters.

  • browsers themselves are easy to make

    That’s … a patently false statement.

    They are among the most complex, difficult, resource hungry pieces of software out there along with actual operating systems.

    There’s a lot of open source browsers out there. Are you using them? Probably not

    This is also essentially misinformation. I’m sure none of us have heard of Firefox before, or Chromium. Sure Chrome (closed source) is what most people use, but Firefox isn’t exactly some esoteric browser.

  • That’s also called a toxic workplace if there is a pattern of feedback like this.

    If it is, and if you can, start looking elsewhere. Personal attacks over what should be mundane code review items is unacceptable.

    If this was in formal code review, then that’s still a huge red flag. Code review is about catching errors, learning opportunity, and periodically style/cleanliness problems. It should be semi-formal, and does not include personal attacks like that. It’s a safe place to fail, and should be maintained as such, lest the productivity advantages be lost.

    We all make mistakes. I’m a Sr. Dev & Tech Lead and just last week I had an obvious error that a Jr dev caught. It’s no big deal.

    It can be easy to dwell on this, and think about over and over again. ADHD folks tend to have a stronger sense of justice, which means we are more sensitive to being “wronged”, and it will bother us for longer. All I can say is try to not let it bother you as much, it was unprofessional to say that, and minute mistakes are the norm not the exception.