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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • I assume that you havent seen too many episodes and dont know too much about the history on south park. But they are known for making fun of everyone, and not selecting by a agenda. For example there is an episode about: Mormons, Scientology, a whole series of episodes on the “superheroes” around jesus, there is even an episode where a future civilization is fighting over the meaning of “AAA”, which is a atheistic alliance (to hint on the idea, that there will still be war, even if religions go extinct).

    The fact that they make fun of everyone is one of the reasons they stood so long.

    Btw in the 2016 season, which they released weekly during the last months of the election, their portraial of Hillary Clinton is the one of an extraordinaly stupid and incompetent woman, while their Donald Trump doesnt even want to be president.

  • I mean I myself am not a dev, only did some programming in school but not like I would know how to program a backend or a frontend. 😅

    I know even less about linux or networking but I setup an old laptop with LinuxMint and made a server out of it (I know LM isnt a good server OS but I am not good with the terminal, so thats the compronise I did). I now selfhost Jellyfin and some more stuff. I would probably be able to setup a trello like app in a afternoon, despite not being IT-trained