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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • hark@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    11 hours ago

    The original image even says “don’t care, still voting trump” this is just an edit changing it to biden. Both democrats and republicans can agree on punching to the left. Of course, democrats have to use dog whistles like calling them all “tankies” just like how republicans love to discriminate against minorities while making references to them as “inner city youths” or whatever.

  • Fighting for your home made more logical sense when the consequence of losing your home meant you most likely had nowhere to go and either were stuck under brutal occupation or left to wander for a place to live with a high risk of dying before finding anything. With how much more accessible distant travel is these days, I can’t imagine any piece of land worth dying for, especially when considering the typical lack of support that veterans get when the fighting is over.

    I respect those with the courage to fight for defense, but I wouldn’t look down upon anyone who left.

  • I did vote not committed during the primary as the only opportunity to send a message, but I am voting for the democratic party down the ballot during the general like I do every single time.

    Did I pass your purity test and acceptably show my distaste for biden’s support for genocide or are you going to continue to tell me how I don’t care about genocide while you unconditionally defend it?

    If voting not committed during the primary is not acceptable, protests are not acceptable, and the most mild of criticisms online aren’t acceptable, then what do you consider acceptable? Only full-throated support for genocide like your god king biden who can do no wrong?