What about long distance relationships?
I mean, personally I don’t care what it looks like if I can’t feel it
Losing consciousness before feeling anything sounds peaceful to me
Having a romantic partner tie me down to my bed, tape a bag over my head, and snuggle with me
Nah I fuckin knew it because that time was when they really started to bully me and I started avoiding everyone
Right? I hate to be a dick on the internet but the person needs to learn to read lol
Of course you can’t, just from the subs in the lifestyle I’ve talked to, this situation really doesn’t say sub/dom at all to me
the subs I know of in the lifestyle not just the bedroom are legitimately dedicated to their dom counterpart and would do their damndest to keep on top of their duties
I don’t know, from my limited view into the kink community if this was a sub/dom setup he wouldn’t need the incentive, the subs I know of in the lifestyle not just the bedroom are legitimately dedicated to their dom counterpart and would do their damndest to keep on top of their duties, not have to be coerced into doing them by a tacky chart
I’m no expert though, I just hang out in a sub focused discord
They’re not as fancy looking, but I can’t recoomend a big squishy plug highly enough. Super soft silicone ao they’re easy to get in, but nice and big and filling. Square peg toys and topped toys make some good ones.
I’ve slept with my gape keeper in a few times
Didn’t it come from the movie dungeon master?
I saw it. Enjoyed it. It was fun to watch. Not sure what else you really need in a movie tbh
I feel like everyone in this thread are arguing two different things. “My neurodivergence has made my life hell and I wish I never existed in the first place” and “you can live a fullfilling life with neurodivergence” aren’t conflicting concepts to me.
The worst case is you crit fail the social interaction abd get some new trauma that drives you even further away from aocial interaction 👍