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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Went out with this girl I really liked but brought a friend too just to make it less one on one and more casual. I really liked her and thought it went well. When I drove my friend home, in conversation, he told me I could do better. It was such a stupid destructive thought. All three of us were into the arts. He was into videography, she was photography, and I was painting airbrushed graphics on motorcycles. I dated her for a little while again later and more seriously, but my life was more of a mess then and it didn’t work out. That was one of my biggest mistakes in life; not realizing my lack of emotional depth and letting other’s opinions hold sway or weight. I partition my emotions now. I’m not sure how I feel in the moment. My first reaction is likely worthless, so “I’ll have to get back to you later” - is my usual response. People who whine about how everyone is about to lose their job at work, or tell me how I should feel about others are like giant red flags telling me to avoid them as toxic. Really, in a way I do not lack emotional depth as much as that part of my inner voice speaks quietly and I need to take the time to listen to it carefully. That girl and life lesson are the same thing to me; an abstracted patch, forever holding that part of my personality. When that red flag flies in my head, she is the one waving it; holding me back; telling me to think it through.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThis image.
    2 days ago

    They are a contributing factor in the whole system of gratuity as pay. WH is an interesting niche in that, those that work there generally make decent money, like a good bit better than most fast food joints. It requires people skills, and a crisis management type of multitasking, but often there will only be the minimum required staff in the better run places. It is not too unusual to see a place with only 2-4 people working with a packed restaurant.

    The gratuity culture is that you always must tip, but not excessively. However staying past your welcome/meal is not considered acceptable behavior, nor is showing up and not ordering. There are slower WH’s in smaller towns where it is more acceptable to hang out when the place is not busy, but these are more like the exception. This is also a place that typically is associated with the idealized single working mom stereotype. You’ll often find places where the employee shifts are flexible for these types of circumstances. There is often also some tangible drama to a WH, both from the staff and the customers. There are usually WH’s within many residential communities or right on the outskirts. You’ll often find the same people present as part of a regular routine. It usually does not involve dangerous culture or violence, but WH is a funny place to go find out and watch the drama of the local community if one is close to where you live.

    When I lived in the suburbs of Atlanta, I knew everyone that worked at my local WH and could find out what was going on in the neighborhood based on the collective conversations that happened there. In a WH there is no real privacy or formality. It is one of the few places where striking up a conversation with anyone is acceptable if not expected. You can sit there and be quiet and answer tersely to indicate you just want to be left alone, but that is the exception.

    This is part of the southern libertarian republicanism ideal of independent hard work to bootstrap success. This is an illusion that leads to decay and poverty, as time has shown, but is still a core part of southern culture. I’m not saying it is right or wrong. I live in California now. There are no Waffle Houses here because California does not participate in this poverty wage type of exception to ethical pay. Overall, there is no effective alternative to turn to for people on either side, customers or workers. Places like California do not have an equivalent establishment for ultra budget dining 24/7 either. I’ve lived in both areas long term. I don’t know of a good solution.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThis image.
    2 days ago

    Waffle House is a chain of restaurants mostly in the Southeast USA. They are almost always open 24/7. It is like a tiny sitting bar with stools and a dozen or so tables. The food is really cheap, the staff is nice, and everything is built around the griddle cook top where all the food is made on the spot. There is no alcohol. This is the goto place to eat if you are by yourself. There is also a strong (poverty) community culture of endearment towards those that work at a WH. Everyone knows the staff basically only get paid in tips. WH is often busiest in the middle of the night when nothing else is open, at least in places like Atlanta, Chattanooga, Huntsville, or Orlando.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldManCave decoration
    2 days ago

    I would go with hard science fiction futurism. You get to write your narrative future history of humanity and nothing about your choices are restricted to following the styles or decor consumerism.

    For example, humanity has moved into thousands of 35 km × 9.1 km O’Neill cylinders with centrifugal spin gravity, mostly in cislunar space. We renamed the planet Wild Earth, and only a small scattering of indigenous humans choose to remain planetary caretakers. The age of scientific discovery has long past. Science is primarily an engineering corpus. Our primary technology is entirely biological, and in complete elemental cycles balance. All phenomenon of biological nature are accessible to us with a few genetic # inclue libraries and a few lines of code. We grow a banyan frame of a building and dial in our colors and patterns on living chitin walls, while more regal structures of ginkgo trees last nearly forever. Biocompute is a thing with the synthetic brayn. All is accessible with a complete understanding of biology.

    Allowing your imagination to run freely in this space is therapeutic on a level that I find deeply satisfying, and dare I say hopeful. Getting others talking about this can create change. Futurism is anti dystopian. Many will try to call it utopianism, but I counter that they simply lack depth of imagination. The full spectrum and challenges of such a future creates a powerful lens for inspecting and critiquing the present. That is the best way I can imagine the experience of creating a space and the type of space that inspires positive conversations I want to share with others.

  • See the thing is, I have the words to describe it and know what it is. I know from seeing all the skull reconstructions of other human species how the brow line looks in the various skull forms. I still don’t see it in faces at all as a defining feature I can pick out. I know what to look for, but I can’t picture a skull in a human face. I don’t know why, but a skull is like a thing with meaning separate from faces on some kind of level. I don’t want to associate them. It is not that I cannot do so, I’m more than smart enough for that. I can see the connections between the features if I care to try. It is like forcing myself to eat something I do not like though. I do not focus on these features for identity. I’m aware of the fact that the face is built on these element, but I simply want to enjoy sausage without making it on some kind of level of subconscious.

  • Sorry, I should have been using the word freckle not mole. It was not intended as a negative opinion of either.

    Aside from the diff, do you register a brow ridge as a perceptive feature that you are always aware of? I ask because I’ve noticed when I am reading books that describe facial features, they do not register in my mind as relevant information. My mental picture of a character develops on its own based upon context of actions that define personality. Likewise when I look at faces, I can’t articulate shape and the underlying structural features in any meaningful way. I know what I find attractive, and can point it out, but I can’t really describe it well and it does not seem to be the kind of thing where I lack the vocabulary, but more of the kind of thing that does not interest me. I may not find facial structural language interesting, but it is interesting to see how others might perceive the world differently. I write off most attractive features as an abstract degree of neotenous asymmetry; large eyes, small nose, small mouth, forward angle to the face, etc. I do not see chin, brow, facial shape, or jawline in a tangible definitive or memorable way. Even when you mention the differences in brow between images 1/2, I see lighting and makeup, but feel blind to what you are pointing out. I’m being totally honest, not like passive aggressive or anything like that. Sorry if my verbose specificity is abrasive, feel free to ignore. The observation just struck a deeper chord for me in an area seldom explored.

  • Admittedly, it’s hard to say conclusively. The left’s eyebrows are drawn on with makeup, and the angle of the light source and shadow obscure the nose proportions. The right’s stretched posture by comparison makes it hard to pin down the diff. I think the strongest argument against is the lower abdomen mole that is hard to discount as an anomaly of lighting and exposure. However, there is also the mole match on the chin.

  • Most cases have ridiculous nonsense for cooling though. Laptops usually have considerable thermal engineering, but kinda set the threshold of real hardware requirements.

    I was just given an old “gaming rig” someone didn’t want that had water cooling, 9 fans, a cobweb of LED wiring, and the most obese ABS panels attached to the sheet metal case… The thing works fine even when overclocked with no fans except the one built into the power supply and GPU. Only the one in the GPU cycles on enough to be audible… This guy had a freaking harrier jet taking off in the room beside him for a decade.