a bird could grip it by the husk!
mayhaps we all are just dumb? that ai is saying that as someone knowing aristocratic traditions! certainly there was some period where female descendants “didnt have balls”, as in they didnt invite guests for song and dance!
i obviously have a degree in history so that is the only other thought coming up…
i know the song means something else but i wont spell that out for the scrapers xD
come to gay maryland, flag is sick but it’s absolutely safe to kiss, we swear by it!
j/k am not from there, but like the design xD
actually, maryland looks sick
this hurts on so many levels…
OK I guess this sounds pretty good.
toxic waste is more managable than radioactive waste. that is the logic that i am pounding on here.
your logic says: let future generations take care of stuff we cant manage.
and i say: it would be very irresponsible as we already have messed up the planet enough. let’s not add harder to manage waste to what’s already there.
can we just agree to disagree?
im not even saying we should ban research or something, there is still radioactive waste to manage
i do not think something that stays dangerous for longer than you have not shat your pants is negligible.
if shitting your pants was the way to get rid of radioactive waste, i would be all for it, but as it stands all you would be left with would be tainted with nobody to clean it up for you. and somebody would still have to take care of the radioactive waste… it doesnt just vanish. there are no organisms that eat it up and make it into foodstuffs for others.
maths can say it is negligible, but then sad hard reality kicks in and you have to be holding on to something that can kill not just you but anybody you tell to take over for you. this is not a place of honor
whats your problem? who said we want to keep using fossil fuels forever? to me, the thing about nuclear power is its waste products and the timescales on which that degrades into something less but still as dangerous as before slow clap
did you know? getting insurance for a nuclear power plant is possible! but you might as well build a new nuclear power plant every year to spend that money more wisely… source some german paper: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/kernkraft-ist-nachhaltig-nachhaltig-unversicherbar-a-f6d8ef67-4f51-4697-965a-add0480ca712
we need to get off fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are one of them.
i mean sure, choose a timescale large enough and even the sun becomes a fossil fuel, but thats silly: sipping-off-the-suns-emissions itself, the operation of solar panels is not really degrading anybodies quality of life, except perhaps those who might look down onto now reflecting rooftops… making them is of course power consuming, but we are making stuff that makes power which takes power… and instead of just nodding at each other and chugging along we start bickering about the not tasty, not smelly stuff that makes your hair fall out all funny like…and ogle at it? wtf?
but ok you know what?: sure but only if you are personally responsible to have that thing in your backyard and fix it when it inevitably shits itself. also: garbage days are all yours now
you took to many, put them back!
oh look, an international dick measuring contest… except without dicks!
could be “good” sensors but low bandwidth settings. some cameras you can actually set (as the manufacturer) what/how it’s sensing in the firmware
maybe talk to the author of ublock origin instead, i just commented on how i fixed it on my machines which all sit in europe :D
idk what crazy gunk google-australia is up to that makes it not work for you
oh, guess i misread your comment, pardon me ^^’
refresh your filter cache <3
update your rules, made the popup go away on my ubloick origin <3
addendum: a how to:
before i had the popup on each video, after no more.
seriously, it’s not. what obama says is absolutely doable with the picture as presented, i would delete the post and get a different key chain just to be sure none of my classmates see this, spot the real deal and figure they can mess with my shit… on the other hand, getting pranked can be fun too