• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Yes. Most people don’t have the awareness of a lot of what’s been said in the comments or they suspend it in their daily lives. They do what they feel is right and since most were socialised in a similar way the signal-response expectations match. Then a certain rapport can be formed by the empty interactions borne out of the semi-conscious feeling that it’s “right” or “nice” to initiate a small talk and respond to it in kind. In this way indeed most of us are like 15 yo girls, just somewhat more serious and self-controlled.

    If I were in a condescensing mood I’d say humans generally are bots following Pavlov’s reaction patterns imprinted during upbringing. But this would be a severe oversimplification and a little a-hole talking through me.

  • How about the same but about the world? If I gathered together all the places I visited, all documentaries I watched and all conversations I had it adds up to a mere glance at a myriad of different worlds. Every single small region in the world has more history and social and natural structures than any fantasy book. Living is like pulling individual pixels from a 4000000000000…000k photo which then changes every second.

    My brain explodes sometimes, but the idea of fractals helps. There is still immense value in perceiving this small collection of pixels as they build up to more and more connected structures.

  • Musky and Bezos are probably well aware of this so they happily pour billions into these systems. Whoever gets them up first is essentially taking up space others may want to use later on. The endgame is probably “make the world dependent on MY sat system and hike rates”. And if the countries wanted to lay cable? Force the world to bail me when the overblown constellations collapse financially - basically make the kessler the future authorities’ problem. Privatise profits, socialise losses, fuck everyone else because I got mine. If things go well the men in charge won’t even be alive anymore when shit hits the fan.

  • The endgame sounds scary, classic enshittification scheme but deployed to authentication and security: make it flashy and smooth at start, get adoption (this time it’s different b/c it’s not the masses that need convincing, but website operators), hold the entire internet hostage by threatening to pull the plug on the mode of access to everything. Also more obvious and coming sooner: exploit your handle on the tech to disable Passkeys to someone who “violates ToS” of Google services by, idk, running adblock or logging in with Firefox.

  • So this is either a big oil corp spending pennies on theorycrafting some exciting buzzword technosolutions


    A big oil corp which figured out that if they want to stay relevant for more than 10 yrs they need to diversify into other energy sources. With all the deserved hate they attract such companies are probably most likely to invent and implement aomething like this at scale.

    It doesn’t change the fact that they should be nationalized asap and their decisionmakers jailed.