• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • GPL FAQ: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#NonFreeTools

    In the old days proprietary compilers was the norm. If “blue” is of value an open source equivalent will be made eventually. But looking at the blue examples and sdesk repo I doubt it.

    Going just by the examples, Blue itself seems more an incomplete templating/code generation layer for getting some syntax sugar than anything else. Like you write Blue targeting C, write super high level constructs in Blue, then include C headers and snippets of C code for all the stuff you can’t write in Blue, and finally transpile Blue into C which is then compiled conventionally.

  • In 2020, Kripke told fans that his “rough idea” for The Boys was “five seasons total,” acknowledging at the time, “But I also know better than to say how many seasons a show is gonna have.” Kripke’s last show Supernatural lasted for 15 seasons.

    Interesting parallel since supernatural was also supposed to be 5 seasons with the narrative arc all neatly wrapped up. Then they changed their mind and dragged the dead body of the show against the pavement for another 10 seasons.

  • Walkthrough how to solve a complex non-linear differential equation step-by-step. Each step should be incorrect and as you explain it you remove an item of clothing. Once you have no more clothes, for the next step you pour a glass of seemingly-milk from a labelless container. The glass sits there while you do another step and then you drink it and say “that’s good goat sperm”. Before you finish the equation, a doorbell rings. You go over to the front door, open it, and retrieve a package. As the camera follows you we can subtly see the sky is green. You place the package on a table and finish explaining the equation. After you’re done you open the package; it’s revealed to be a rubber mask of a politician of your choice. You say “it’s time to save our country” and put it on. The final shot is of you leaving the house. Give the film a French name.