What can I do to expedite global warming? I want to do my part.
What can I do to expedite global warming? I want to do my part.
Does scp resume broken transfers? If not, maybe rsync instead. Lots can go wrong for connectivity over the span of hours/days
I accidentally wiped my backup. I’m redoing my storage setup and had the backup laying nearby.
I was stunned. I immediately gave up and went to bed.
So wouldn’t that mean actively going around telling newbies why church is bad? Which is what we don’t want religious folks doing?
I made a habit of checking out Goodwill for boardgames. Best one yet was King of Tokyo for maybe $10. Like new condition.
You can pirate books. Use Calibre and build your library. I have over 2000 books. Doesn’t take much storage either.
I work in IT. I think it’s popular because it’s “free”.
With that said, I put up a picture on the office wall of a Swiss army knife with features like syringe, fire extinguisher, axe, etc and have it labeled Microsoft Teams. Yes, it can do 100 different tasks, fucking poorly.