• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • marv99@feddit.detoDo It Yourself@beehaw.orgDIY smartphone?
    4 months ago

    Your question reminded my immediately about one of my favorite 35c3 talks Butterbrotdosen-Smartphone - Mein DIY-Smartphone-Bau from 2018-12-29. It is in German language, but has an English translation, too. Maybe it can give you some good starting ideas?

    Video: 1080p

    Story, Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

    I would like to show you how I built a smartphone from a Raspberry PI. The problems and difficulties I encountered and the solutions I found. The project is not yet finished, there are still a few small things missing. Nevertheless, I want to show you my smartphone in the practical sandwich box and tell you how it came about.

    I had no idea that building a smartphone could be so complicated. Raspberry Pi + touch display is not all there is to think about in this project. At the moment, the smartphone project lives in a sandwich box and attracts attention on the subway. If the power bank can passthrough, that’s an advantage, I’ve found. Setting up the X and Y axes on the touch display so that you can also use the on-screen keyboard was not so easy. And I had to realize that Landscape is not the right size to work smoothly. Most Linux programs are not directly touch-compatible or require too much memory. Then there were also big challenges! Learning to solder was one of them. First learning how to solder, then learning how to desolder, and then daring to use the PI. I would like to tell you these and other stories about building my smartphone.

  • Auf den von mir besuchten drei Demos wurde für Demokratie, Menschenwürde und Vielfalt demonstriert. Und natürlich gegen Rechtsextremismus und Hass.

    Diese Demos waren explizit nicht gegen demokratische Parteien gerichtet und das war auch gut so! So standen und marschierten wir (sehr viele Menschen, von jung bis alt, von links bis rechts) vereint gegen das Nazi-Pack.

    Ich hörte zufällig einen CSU Politiker sinngemäß sagen (beim Vorbeiziehen dem Lokalreporter antwortend), dass er es gut und wichtig findet, hier zusammen mit u.a. den Kollegen von Grünen und SPD Gesicht zu zeigen.

  • Im Artikel wird ja darauf eingegangen:

    Ramlan weist selbst darauf hin, dass Doom damit eigentlich nicht auf den Bakterien läuft, sondern eben nur von ihnen dargestellt wird. Allerdings gilt im Rahmen von “Doom runs on everything” meist wirklich die Darstellung des Spiels als ausreichend.

    Ich finde aber auch, dass es dann nicht “Does it run Doom?”, sondern “Does it display Doom?” heißen sollte.

    Und jetzt muss ich zurück in die erste Map von Sigil 2, irgendwie komme ich diesmal gar nicht voran :(

  • Definitely dislike MS, generations of my workstations have small, yellow “Microsoft Free Workstation” stickers on their monitors, but VSCodium (in my case) is not really bad.

    Also I really like the Xbox360 console and (as a hacker and maker) still love the first Kinnect. The Kinnect is an excellent piece of sensor-hardware, was rather cheap when purchased in used condition and it works very well with Linux.

  • You can start with The Uber files, which “is a global investigation into a trove of 124,000 confidential documents from the tech company that were leaked to the Guardian.”


    Uber broke laws, duped police and secretly lobbied governments, leak reveals

    Some examples:

    • The cache of more than 124,000 internal Uber files lays bare the ethically questionable practices through which the company barged its way into new markets, often where existing laws or regulations made its operations illegal, before lobbying aggressively for those same laws or regulations to be altered to accommodate it. Read here
    • Senior executives at Uber ordered the use of a “kill switch” to prevent police and regulators from accessing sensitive data during raids on its offices in at least six countries. Read here
    • Two of Barack Obama’s most senior presidential campaign advisers, David Plouffe and Jim Messina, discussed helping Uber get to access leaders, officials and diplomats. Read here
    • At least six UK government ministers, including the then chancellor, George Osborne, and the future health secretary Matt Hancock, did not declare secret meetings at which they were lobbied by Uber. Read here
    • The inside story of how Uber used its connections to the Conservative party to lobby Boris Johnson in a rearguard effort to stop Transport for London introducing new regulations. Read here
    • One of Uber’s top executives quit amid questions for the company about whether its European operations were structured in a way that avoided tax. Read here
    • Uber secretly hired a political operative linked to Russian oligarchs allegedly aligned with Vladimir Putin in an attempt to secure its place in the Russian market, despite internal bribery concerns. Read here


    As Bonus some older articles about their overall ethics and practices:

  • Looks like a really nice and useful initiative.

    Suggestion to the owners of the SFD webpage

    I would appreciate the SFD initiative even more, if on the SFD webpage you would “live by your own words”.

    Facebook and the blue bird are by no means free software, also not according to your definitions “free to study [how the program works]”, “free to distribute [copies]”, “free to modify [the software]”, “free to access [the source code]”.

    So why not at least show the benefits and use FOSS social media alternatives in action?
    If you need the momentum of the unfree social media, you still could do this additionally.