• 54 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Andrew Callaghan really seems interested in these semi-maligned, culturally misunderstood do-gooder figures lately.

    You’ve got this guy. A short while back there was Retro Bill in the DARE Conference video. And Kevin Morse in the Kia Boys film.

    This looks to me like not-so-subtle virtue signaling to fans who want to look past his sexual misconduct allegations and just get back to guilt-free consumption of salacious, cool-real-shit Channel 5 content.

    I freely admit that Callaghan is dynamite at this genre and he’s comfortably sliding into a huge void that Vice has left behind, so he gets credit where credit is due there. But this doesn’t count for “doing the work” when trying to reacquire the public’s good graces after being a creep. But, you know, he doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to. There are still thousands upon thousands of people who don’t care about any of that and are happy to let his shit behavior slide if they get to keep seeing cool new videos.

  • Periodic office hours are tremendously helpful as well.

    Block an hour, once or twice a week, for people to come by an ask you (and your team) about literally anything they want. And open it to everyone at your organization. Have your team stop answering one-off questions and tell people to bring it to office hours.

    Team leads and tpms should help with logistics, messaging and hand-slapping.

  • The context kind of makes sense here. The image is from The Killer, about a supposed top-tier hit man who gets in over his head. But it turns out he’s a huge try-hard who kinda sucks at getting the job done and makes noob mistakes at every turn. Trying to blend in on a European street with a bag of McDonald’s breakfast on a park bench is perfect.