I mean we can debate root cause and corporate culture and everything, but at the end of the day these meetings exist and copilot make them better.
I mean we can debate root cause and corporate culture and everything, but at the end of the day these meetings exist and copilot make them better.
Copilot for Teams is extremely useful. Recap meetings and being able to search for specific parts. People hate on AI but in this case they are definitely downplaying the capabilities.
But to be fair I’m not the one paying the bill
Ok that one is on me. I don’t know why I expected Romeo and Juliet clauses to have some level of consistency in all states.
It is honestly insane that in the US 18 is treated like a god, and if one partner is some months older, it’s illegal.
You’ll be relieved to know that this is never the case.
You need a second such incident for the conspiracy to work. Because the implication is that the real saint is out there working his miracles.
that’s mostly category 2.
You achieved your winning by some amount of perceived suffering, you want others to suffer too in order to reach this winning state.
At least some health insurance companies are temporarily easing up on denials or pausing shitty policies like limiting anthensia coverage during surgery.
That alone could save a few hundred lives, even if just for a little while.
Isn’t this part just 4 pictures of the CEO? Sure looks like him.
Don’t worry I’m sure the next administration will get right on that.
The president is then in turn checked by the legislature, who hold the power to impeach and remove.
Just that everything that works in theory stops working when you have 250 years to break it.
And holding one side to a standard while letting the other side do whatever they want is also hypocrisy
Do you or do you not believe in the concept of rehabilitation?
People are avoiding him because to do otherwise is to feed the troll.
No one who uses the argument that there are more covid deaths under Biden than Trump is arguing in good faith. If you don’t understand the reason for that you are not capable of a discussion.
If you are arguing that Biden made Covid policy decisions for the economy over safety and somehow believe Trump would not, you are not arguing in good faith. The difference is Biden has advisors and weighs the nuanced effects, like any rational intelligent human being, whereas Trump would do Trump things.
There is no need to dissect the policy for this guy.
Obamacare is still there, last i checked.
It’s almost like you can’t fix everything in 4 years, especially with midterms.
If it was so easy to undo things, Obamacare would have been dismantled in the first trump term.
But since things weren’t fixed fast enough, let’s let the people who broke everything back in power again.
It’s magically even worse than that.
How could a state both turnout to enshrine abortion into the state constitution AND go Republican?
That’s a whole new level of dumb I didn’t know existed
Because like the comic is pointing out as the issue and that OP has just done that exact thing - steering the conversation of topic away from the focus.
In a discussion about women by a woman, it sounds crazy but maybe they want the focus to be on women. That doesn’t mean men issues don’t matter or don’t exist. There are an infinite number of venues to discuss it that are not in a thread regarding women issues.
Roe v Wade still existed in less contentious times.
Lebanon has a government and an army that is not Hezbollah. They do not want Hezbollah’s presence in Lebanon either. Which is why you do not hear the Lebanese government denouncing or opposing Israel’s actions. You don’t see them going to the UN or the US telling them to stop Israel.
Just because you don’t approve of their government and response doesn’t mean you can just dismiss it.
Copilot in my experience is pretty accurate, even if not perfect. Plus it timestamps the meeting so you know where it’s drawing it’s conclusions from.