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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • IT guy here, I am not that worried about AI

    That’s pretty much because you’re an IT guy. You’re in an industry that AI won’t replace any time soon.

    If you were a cashier, or a stock clerk, or a busboy, you should be terrified by AI. The speed at which those jobs are already vanishing is astounding. The other day I was at a restaurant, and I never interacted with a human. The ordering was done by touch panel at my table, the food was delivered to the table by a robot and I paid at an automated terminal. I don’t know how many staff were on duty but it had to be a fraction of what it would have been a decade ago. I bought clothes last week and there was one employee in the store, overseeing the self-checkout lanes (but really just sitting idly by in case anyone had issues). I read an article yesterday about how robots are now being distributed to convenience stores that can clean, stock, and reorder items, so these shops will pretty soon have only one employee in them.

    The gimmicky shit that your browser AI and chatbots can do is nothing compared to how this is already revolutionizing the world.

  • Considering that Taiwan has been de facto an independent country for a long time, its easy to see why “forever maintaining the status quo” is the best choice for most people.

    Declaring independence from China when they are already functionally independent from China would just be kicking a hornet’s nest. The outcome of a war with China would end in either a bloody defeat in which their country would be leveled and their freedoms taken away, or a bloody victory resulting in… the current status quo, just with lots of dead people.

    So why would your average citizen desire anything but the status quo? They’re already a free country, this question is just asking them if they’d like a war for the fun of it, or their freedoms taken away.

  • I agree Reddit is toxic. I’d argue reddit actually stopped being Reddit around 2016. But it’s posts like this that clog it all up and are partially why it is the way it is today.

    I gotta agree with this. The toxicity in any reddit thread increases dramatically when the poster pre-emptively complains about all the toxicity they expect to receive. Whereas when you just ask straight without going into a whole speech about comment quality, you get much better replies. Particularly because it’s hijacking your own thread; changing it from whatever question you wanted to ask into an analysis of the comments.

  • Contrary to what you think, I’m not trying to provoke you. Yet you’ve been getting highly provoked anyway. My “shitting all over” your comment was actually me explaining to you how your stance does the exact opposite of what you think it does. I took the time to explain it in detail, and you didn’t acknowledge any of it. You just dug in deeper and took it personally almost to the point of having a meltdown.

    I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve been trying to have a discussion here, and it feels like you’re trying to have an argument. I haven’t seen any effort on your part to discuss genuinely, just fighting and moralizing. Any challenge to your position is taken as a personal insult, to which you then respond with hostility and dishonesty. That’s why I think you’re a troll.

    It sounds like we both agree this was a waste of time, so let’s just let it end here. Next time we can both try to do better.

  • Pointing out that your position is terrible is not an insult to you. Just another one of your dishonest arguments, like how you misrepresent every thing that is said to you instead of engaging with people honestly.

    At this point, I can’t see you as anything other a troll. Talking to you is like talking to a religious fundamentalist. You have no respect for the other party you’re speaking to and only speak down from a position of moralistic arrogance.

    And if you’re not a troll, then jesus… be better than this.

  • I’ve explained the solution to the problem, I’ve explained why holding your vote hostage doesn’t work the way you think it does, and I’ve explained how you’re being duped into supporting the end result you claim not to want above all else.

    I don’t see any point in continuing this. You didn’t seem to read or acknowledge what I wrote, and just went and repeated the same thing all over again. It’s like you’ve put yourself up on a pedestal of moralizing ignorance and just plug your ears to everything that threatens to knock you off. I can’t force you to understand something if you don’t want to understand it, and I don’t feel like repeating myself over and over again when it won’t be acknowledged or read.

    You’ll probably reply with some more insults and straw man arguments like you’ve been doing, but some other user whose mind isn’t closed with arrogance and whose thinking is not blinded by their own privilege might see then and realize just how blind, foolish, and self-defeating this purity position is.