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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Think of it more like Netflix. Netflix was great, then the market fractured and Netflix enshitified in response.

    What it would take here is for a publisher to become a real distributor in the space, but competition is weak right now. Just like it really took Disney wading in to disrupt Netflix, it would take someone equally large, like Microsoft, to disrupt Steam. Sorry Ubisoft, but you don’t cut it.

  • There were some aspects I liked. They demonstrated some construction techniques people could have used to build something similar 5000 years ago. That was neat. They used some carpentry found in archeological digs from the time. I am a sucker for some of the old PBS Nova specials on how ancient Egyptians build obelisks, pyramids, things like that.

    It just gets buried in the schlocky pseudo-science really quickly. It’s a hard pivot from sewage systems, to people riding dinosaurs like horses, to lap joints.

  • I have been to the Ark. It’s weird.

    They have some interesting exhibits where it’s obvious that someone gave it a lot of thought. They dug in and thought about the tools and techniques that someone would have had available to build something like this 5000 years ago.

    In some ways, it’s a real monument to human achievement. But then the next exhibit just shrieks that there were definitely dinosaurs on the Ark and if you believe differently you’re dumb as shit.

    2/10. Food was awful.

  • No, these strawless, non-gay, heterosexual, manly men are just like me. They were handed a spoon, but not a straw in the drive through and they decided to just drive off rather than bother or inconvenience someone, even though it wouldn’t be a bother or inconvenience, it’s the person’s job, and they’d be happy to help. I am married though, so while I wouldn’t say my wife is specifically attracted to that brand of social awkwardness, she’s not entirely repulsed by it.