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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • The boots I recommended are fairly squishy. But they are nothing like most running shoes these days. If you are interested in switching to boots I’d recommend going to a store that only sells boots.

    Funny thing is I have the opposite problem now. Squishy shoes give me horrible joint and back pain. I think it’s because the force over time is longer and more damaging. I’m not a barefoot advocate but it’s everyone’s own preference.

  • The weird recommendation I have is sort of a boot adjacent shoe. Asolo agent evo are my daily shoe. They last at least a year for me and I tear through salomons in 6 months max. Downside to these shoes for some is they are flat with little padding. For some reason I love them and I recommend trying them on if you can find them.

    For actual boots I use when I need safety shoes, Danner Vicious with super feet inserts. I’ve worn them for more than 20 hours with little issue. And they are still waterproof 5 years later. They were close to $300 with the inserts.

    I also want to warn you that my recommendation is me specific. Everyone is different and some people need to step on clouds to make it through a few hours on their feet, I’m not like that at all.

  • System integrator or automation integration. It has a few names. My title is currently controls specialist but that also changes constantly. I install, setup, and program PLCs to run any type of plant automation. I also set up HMIs and stock tracking systems. I haven’t done it in a while but interfacing with SAP used to be a big part my job. Now I mostly just program conveyors and configure HMIs so people can see status without being on the floor.

    I started this job by having an MS in ME and taking the first job I could get out of college. It was never my intent to have this career path, but now I kind of like it. It’s crazy stressful at times though. Whole production facility can go down for hours if I make mistakes.

  • Yeah I’m old enough to have started with candy bar phones. Battery life has been creeping back below 1 day for a while. That motoG power would play music on Bluetooth all day if I started at 10% battery. It could also sit at 1% battery for hours if I didn’t touch it. Getting this new flagship phone is making me realize I value battery life way more than I realized.

    Biggest issue with the older motoG was the camera sucked. I think the new version fixed that so I’ll probably go back to it.

  • pahlimur@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlthose ppl...
    8 months ago

    IMO reddit won but only by engaging a new audience. It removed the 1 post per subreddit on the front page without an announcement, modified the upvote algorithm to make upvote numbers seem larger than they are, and comments per upvote are lower than 10 years ago. Basically engagement is way down for people who use it like a forum aggregate. But engagement is way up by people who are migrating off of Instagram and similar platforms. I used to feel weird about being on reddit but now I have my wife’s 20 mostly female coworkers asking me about it. Reddit has a new audience it appeals to and it’s creating a weird issue because for some dumbass reason they thought the unpaid engagement generators would stick around after they fucked everything up for a few short term dollars.

  • pahlimur@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlReddit be like
    9 months ago

    I wish this were only a problem with kids. I’m a system integrator and I’m constantly asking for screenshots of HMIs for troubleshooting. It’s about 50/50 with my current client if it’s going to be a jank cell phone picture or an actual screenshot. I think it’s an uneducated portion of the population that is too dumb to give a shit. They always existed but now the barrier to posting a photo is finally low enough that they can barely step over it and us early PC users are annoyed by them.

  • pahlimur@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlReddit be like
    9 months ago

    The day old reddit I gone is the day it is officially dead. Reddit is appealing to the insta audience now and it sucks. I’ve talked to so many people who only recently discovered reddit and they have no idea that discussion used to drive the site. It’s a picture browsing site for them. The site is going down the tubes quickly so it can do an IPO I guess.