To be fair, you’re probably more resistant than I am, since you’re on Linux. I’ve gotten ads and bought it if it’s unique and by local artists before. It has worked occasionally on me from Insta back in the day. Not recently though, so you’re right about that part.
I know you said you don’t think are all the way there, but without getting facial recognition involved. I don’t see how they would correlate the two in the first place.
If you have a phone in your pocket, they know who you are and where you are.
Device fingerprinting is a sophisticated technique employed to recognize, monitor, and track individual devices as they interact with websites and applications, by analyzing their unique characteristics. In the digital realm, it allows websites, advertisers, and security experts to monitor user activity, safeguard against cyber threats, and personalize content.
In device fingerprinting, various data points are collected to create a unique identifier for individual devices. Each data point provides specific information about the device or user, contributing to a comprehensive fingerprint.
As soon as someone enters the virtual boundary around your business or a competitor’s, your geofencing advertising campaign will send a notification or mobile ad to that person’s phone that advertises your local store, service, or product.
The biggest thing you have to learn is that everything defaults to “active” instead of “hot.” If it seems stale after setting the primary to “hot” in your settings, choose “top 6 hours” and “top 12 hours” to see more content. It’s not as addicting so it takes a little time to settle in to the calmness, but it’s great after you get used to it.