woah holy shit a bio?

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s not even a hard thing to recognize. The most authoritative piece on Monsters, Monster Hunter, explains this in detail. And here I am in Elden Ring with all “dragon this, dragon that” and I’m like where are these fucking dragons? Dragons have 6 limbs, these fuckers all have 4.

    Then I realized George RR Martin made the same mistake with his “dragons” in SOFA. So now I’m thinking he worked on Elden Ring as a propaganda piece to try and push the idea of 4 limbed dragons, or at least try to get the four-legged with wings attached to two to fall into that category. I can understand the confusion, but developing a whole videogame to push your mistake isnt very cool.

  • peopleproblems@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldAny LinkedIn alternatives?
    24 days ago

    The amount of jobs I’ve gotten through LinkedIn: 0.

    The number of people I have found from highschool/college/random person on the street who I can’t find in Facebook: waaaaaay too many. If it didn’t tell you who was looking for you, linkedin would be far creepier of a stalking tool. I mean, shit I’ve found people I’ve only seen a picture of. Now I know where they work, where they used to work, and went to school. By extension I now also know where they likely used to live and at least the general area that they live now (provided they don’t work remote that is).

    The more I think about LinkedIn, the more I want to remove my profile.

  • I see a Helldiver I up vote.

    For Liberty!

    But on a serious note, something as obvious as “Managed Democracy” and quitting your job by signing up for “Early Biovat Reprocessing” and the characters literally saying things like “HELLDIVERS NEVER DIE!” Before being obliterated by a 380? It’s satire. Satire is funny. Like hahaha look at stupid Facist regime, I’ll role play along to get into the mood of the game because the idea is so fucking dumb it’s funny with amazing gameplay.

    It’s willful ignorance at some point. I don’t think media literacy has much to do with it. It’s simply listening for what they want to hear, then ignoring the rest, just as real facists desire.