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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024

  • And look at what? The genocide he’s funding? The illegal border policy he tried to pass that was identical to the one Trump tried to pass under his term? Or am I suppose to be looking at the past 40 years where neoliberals like Biden have failed to to confront the slow encroachment of fascism and instead chose to spend all their energy and resources undermining progressives in their own party? Or how voting the “lesser of two evils” for all that time has produced zero results?

    You’re acting exasperated as if neoliberal democrats aren’t complicit in where we are right now. I think it’s you who needs to open your eyes and understand that neolibs aren’t helping or even buying us more time. The loss of our rights has continued full speed under the Biden admin, and he’s risking it all to satisfy his own ego and fanatical zionism.

    No. Biden is responsible for his unelectability and when he refuses to step aside he will be responsible for his loss.

  • Yes, Trump is extremely racist. He’s also a right-winger, so that’s a given. The distinction between someone horrible like Trump and his opposition should be that the opposition is not horribly racist and fascist and doesn’t do things like fund a genocide.

    I don’t vote for Democrats because of their label, I vote based on their potential to actually be meaningfully better. Biden is indistinguishable from your rank and file Republican, and while that’s “slightly less bad” than Trump himself, it’s not good enough. I am not a Republican, and I will not vote for representatives who share so many of their views. Biden needs to go, he’s going to cost the Democrats the election.

  • So you don’t believe in forgiveness or redemption?

    Not for elected representatives, no. We’re not talking about someone’s uncle Randy who grew up in poverty and never went to school or met a black person or w/e. This is an educated person from a well-off background, they don’t have an excuse. There are plenty of other smart, motivated people out there who are fit for office and are morally consistent on these uncomplicated issues like racism.

    Anyone who takes 80 years to become slightly less racist than their younger days is not someone I want running for office. Forgive them, give them credit for sorting out their personal prejudices, sure, but they need to do that on their own time, we don’t have time for leaders who are still struggling with the basics.

    Biden has always been hawkish on immigration, even under Obama, whether this recent attempt was a ploy or not, it wasn’t a ploy during all the other times in his career he advocated for punishing immigration policy.

  • A person’s view shouldn’t have to change on racial justice and equality, particular someone who’spart of the Democratic party. Sanders is just as old and he’s always been on the right side of history, it has nothing to do with age.

    Biden is still racist and even if his far-right border policy was a gambit that’s really irresponsible, given the GOP could’ve easily just accepted the no-strings attached policy win. People need to stop making excuses for shitty politicians, and need to stop allowing the lesser evil be the enemy of good enough.

  • It’s the blood pumping through your arteries. I used to get this even in my teens after very long walks. You’re literally just feeling your own pulse as your heart works a bit harder to meet your body’s elevated demand for blood/oxygen.

    I’m not sure why it seems to be more apparent after milder activity, but maybe something like walking doesn’t dialate your blood vessels so much so there’s a bit more pressure at certain points?

    If you want to confirm its your blood vessels and not muscles, check your pulse as it’s happening and see if its the same rythmn.

    As far as I know it’s normal, since I was in peak physical condition at that age (a lot of athletics, running etc.) but if it seems unusual for you personally I guess bring it up to a doctor.

  • Socialism isn’t in the cards, not sure what you’re on about with that. This is just about throwing a hail mary to try to stop the democratic party from continuing their slide to the right so they can even begin to actually organize to maybe be a force that might oppose fascism.

    Like, that’s what I think maybe you’re confused about – Joe Biden is not helping stop the encroachment of fascism, he and politicians like him are literally just slow boiling average democrats into becoming complacent fascists themselves. That’s arguably an even worse scenario than Trump taking another term because when Trump does Trump stuff people actually get outraged, but when Biden does Trump stuff people just kind of shrugg and say “lesser evil”. That complacency and refusal to acknowledge the reality in front 9f them is what will kill our democracy.

    You still think it’s this red team blue team thing, but the majority of the blue team are unwilling to actually fight and often help the red team and play grab ass with them, so they need to be opposed in addition to the red team.

    What you’re not getting is that we’re past the stage where you can just vote blue and it will magically fix things. Voting for certain democrats is actually harmful and pushses us to the right, not away from it.