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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • No idea what your reading level is, but here are some of the suggestions I’ve made to customers recently:

    Harry Potter, if for no other reason than the cultural impact

    Ender’s Game: children being taught to be elite military officers

    Small Gods: satirizes religion, religious institutions, etc. If you ever want to read Discworld, this is a very good starting point

    We Free Men: also Discworld, but YA-focused and about a girl who becomes a witch

    Lamb, the Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal: author imagines what Jesus and his BFF Biff were doing for those thirty years missing not recorded in the Bible.

    Kindred: a woman starts to travel back in time to the pre-Civil War South. She can’t control it and she doesn’t know why. Probably Butler’s most accessible novel.

    A Canticle for Leibowitz: humanity nuked itself back to the early medieval period and this one holy order watches it rebuild. It’s hard to describe this book in a satisfactory way without just summarizing it, but it’s one of my favorites and I’ve read it multiple times

    The Giver: YA dystopian novel about a very structured society and the kid who is able to see through it. The sequels aren’t too bad either

    The Hobbit: much easier to read than Lord of the Rings, but full of the same heroics plus dragons, dwarves and a clever hero

  • It has a barter system, but you don’t need to use it if you don’t want to. Nearly everything you need in the game can be harvested or made.

    Their other game, Grow: Song of the Evertree, is pretty fun too. It’s partly a city builder, partly exploring new worlds that you create. It’s been a while since I played it, so I remember some sort of currency, but I don’t really remember having to work that hard for it. Mostly, I just focused on creating worlds with crazy elements.

  • If you’re going to plant it, plant it in a pot first, then bury the pot up to the lip. It will stay mostly contained and you won’t see the pot unless you’re right on top of it. Mint reproduces through runners as well as by seeds and the runners are so much harder to control. If you bury the entire pot, it makes it easier for the runners to escape, which is why you want that little bit of lip above ground.

  • Q would leave breadcrumbs, because he needed to be as vague as possible to sound like he knew what was going to happen, right? The people who would interpret those breadcrumbs were called bakers. Yes, I know breadcrumbs are from bread that’s already been baked, but that’s what they decided to call themselves to create an Us vs Them feel. So the “bread” in this image means there are things to be interpreted or reinterpreted yet.

  • Your friend is an idiot. MRNA vaccines are not new. Scientists have been working on a vaccine since SARS, which is similar to COVID (aka SARS-CoV-2). One of the reasons why medication can take so long to reach the public is that it takes money, which likely come from grants, which take time and have limited amounts to go around. When the pandemic broke out, countries around the world threw money at these labs. Everything else pretty much stopped, so they didn’t have to wait for an understaffed and underfunded FDA to approve it.

    Getting the vaccine is much better than slowly suffocating because the virus destroyed your lungs. Herd immunity only works when enough people have been vaccinated and clearly we haven’t reached that yet since people are still getting infected, reinfected and dying.