I take my own unsweet tea to work in a thermos. If that runs out, I drink the bottled water they provide.
These are the same people that bitch about the plastic waste in Keurig pods.
I take my own unsweet tea to work in a thermos. If that runs out, I drink the bottled water they provide.
These are the same people that bitch about the plastic waste in Keurig pods.
Take it out and practice, test. Just move around while you do so.
If you’re in a situation where you have to you a jammer, you’re already in a lot of trouble. This is not a device for kids to fart around with at home.
Who is paying you to spew this? Russia is struggling to beat up their little brother, and you seem to think they’re a badass military machine.
Sure it can. Don’t let “better” be the enemy of “cured”.
I’ll be the Devils Advocate: Child support can be scary.
When I was making money, I paid $1,400/mo. No problem, though that seems excessive given that the mother also has to “pay”. (No, it’s not all on the man. The state figures a total and both parties have a dollar amount.)
Now I’m PT at $15, scared about paying the bills and just got an email that they’ll be garnishing my wages again. And that’s fine.
But how much are they going to hit me with? They’re already making me pay the $1,400 for months I wasn’t even employed. I can’t do that, probably won’t make that much a month in total. A friend went to a lower paying job and the state refused to lower his payments.
Thank god I have legal insurance so I can get options if they try to screw me. For $25/mo., if you have one major legal issue, it’s paid for itself about forever. Plus, it’s nice to have a lawyer on the phone to answer questions and write letters. The law is exactly how the rich fuck over the poor, get your piece of the action.
NASCAR’s more woke than many conservatives are comfortable with. They banned the Confederate flag several years back, actively chased down racists leaving nooses lying around the black guy’s area, more I can’t remember (which is frustrating because they’ve done plenty of other sensible things).
LOL, found this searching “NASCAR woke”:
You gotta admit, an EV NASCAR would suck. The whole thing in going to see a race is the pure thunder of the thing. I’ve never been, never been a fan. My ex used to go with her dad. Sounds like a blast setting up camp, like tailgating but much more.
Anyway, they’re reaching out to a broader audience, not just us redneck honkys (sp?). I don’t think the decline is due to said rednecks boycotting, I think people are simply losing interest.
It’s a joke and they’re both behaving badly. And yes, people do be like this.
We have those exact spiders at our camp in NW Florida. We call them banana spiders or golden orb weavers.
I hear Didjabringabeeralong is wonderful in the springtime.
Could we get, perhaps, one example? Maybe two? This article is abysmal journalism. Why in the hell did you find this worth posting?
Thank you! GenX is a unique generation. I often wonder what it was like at the dawn of the Industrial Age.
You have the economic perception of a petulant 4th grader. Adults are talking here.
Instantly knew what OP meant.
Gods. I feel older every single day.
Styrofoam and unleaded make fair napalm. Doesn’t explode, but it won’t stop burning. Ya know, unlike a traditional Molotov cocktail.
They clearly ripped off Sicario.
Joking aside, holy shit, if this is true, this guy was a survivor of the Iran hostage rescue mission. Damn.
In any case, beware the man who arms and dresses for practicality. All the tacticool gear in the world won’t save you from such a man.
To this day, nothing beats a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
Friendly reminder that treason consists of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, not whatever heinous shit Trump does to violate the Constitution.
cracks knuckles
I’m fine with my 12-pack a day of Keystones.