I download porn from bunkr and simpcity with CyberdropBunkrDownloader and from other websites like pornhub, spankbang, xvideos and xhamster with yt-dlp. I consume it locally using stashapp that has a deduplication tool and it also tags automatically the scenes that other people have tagged in stashdb, which is a crowdsourced metadata database similar to ThePornDB, Data18, IAFD and Indexxx.
I’ve had luck finding all that I wanted by checking https://huggingface.co/spaces/cc1234/stashface yandex reverse image search, or asking on sites like https://namethatporn.com https://simpcity.su/threads/who-is-this-identify-unknown-models-in-here.188619 There are also some twitter accounts of people that if you quote them in a post they find the source and name of the performers.