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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I also thought about wet bulb and checked the humidity in Delhi, which seems to be just 7 % or so. According to wet bulb calculators that’s still good, like around 23 °C wet bulb.

    Interestingly the wet bulb temperature calculators that I tried only work until 50 °C, so that was what I put in.

    At 50 °C you need about 35 % humidity to get to 35 °C wet bulb.

    Regarding your second point: If I’m not mistaken, the hottest month in the region is around May. The temperature is influenced by monsoons, and although the sun peaks higher in summer, it is generally also more cloudy and rain cools of the surface. That’s why usually temperatures peak just before rain season.

  • sinkingship@mander.xyztoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldVolcel says what?
    1 month ago

    Warning: comment includes heavy slurs


    “Today I want to tell you peasants, that there is no place for racism, sexism and patriarchy in our church. We embrace all human beings. And also fagg°ts and n!ggers and mull@hs. We especially embrace beautiful nude small boys!”

    the Catholic Church, probably

    Edit: Deleted for now, cause I can’t figure out how to warn alert my comment.

    Edit 2: I think I got it now. Please let me know in case it doesn’t work.

  • It is far from over.

    We are currently doing the easy part of dropping emmissions. We have not yet peaked, globally speaking. Then we need to get to zero.

    The only possible pathway now is overshoot and return. Which means we depend on carbon removal in a big style, in whatever form that will be.

    It also means we will go temporarily over 2 °C. That is a critical number where several tipping points could be reached.

    Pretty much the hardship has just begun. Now we need to stop emitting completely, somehow in the same time start to remove atmospheric CO² and hope that while we will be over 2 °C that no crucial tipping points will be reached.

  • Very interesting and ambitious mission.

    I just read a little about it. Going to the far side is by far more complicated as going to the side that faces Earth. As communication will be lost as soon as the rocket is behind the moon.

    In order to keep contact, there are 2 lunar satellites launched acting as a bridge.

    The far side is believed to have a very different composition compared to the near side and part of this mission is to find out why.

    Any thoughts, ideas?

    I thought maybe the far side receives much more impacts as it’s not protected by Earth, so maybe has much more “imported” materials from different areas of space while the near side is still much more Earth like. But that would probably just be surface, I don’t know.

  • Incredible poor title. OP please add a sentence or two explaining the article.

    I’ll start of doing that so other people don’t need to blindly click on a link that could be anything.

    It’s about a welsh coal mine that got closed (not sure if because of environmental reasons or because of less demand) and then after rains turned into a toxic lake.

    Article is questioning if the toxic lake and coal imports are any improvement environmentally compared to extracting coal locally.

    I think it’s not asking the right questions. So there is a toxic lake now and maybe it’s worse than a coal mine, but that shouldn’t lead to the conclusion that the coal mine was maybe less bad. Instead it should come to the conclusion that companies need to be held responsible and can’t just abandon sites like that. Maybe they need to fill in some land or I don’t know, but their mess is their responsibility in my opinion.

  • I haven’t read the article. Dumb question anyway. Yes, AMOC is approaching a tipping point, that science has been public since years. Yes, AMOC has already slowed down some dozen or more per cent.

    And while we here answering the same questions as always: yes the climate is changing, yes climate change is also occuring naturally, however this one is human made and yes, the outlook isn’t good at all. No, we shouldn’t continue burning fossil fuels to feed our energy hunger and yes, we need to do something now or better yeaterday. And no, asking repetitive questions isn’t action enough.

    Edit: excuse me. I got a little emotional. Education about climate change is good. I’m just a little tired of reading the same stuff since decades I guess, while at the same time we continue to burn more and more fossil fuels.

    Another update: Interesting Youtube video about this topic.

  • This is true for older technologies.

    Like combustion as you said, we used it a lot and pretty much designed it the best we can with the materials we know and have. But there will be completely new technologies opening up, like maybe fusion. Or solar we know already since a while but made major improvements the last decade and will probably improve it even more.

    I was more thinking about how we had this technology rush. I think it is mostly due to the use of fossil fuels and therefore “incredible cheap” energy which also led to humans reproduce a lot. (incredible cheap in quotation marks, because we will probably have to pay the real price which is environmental damage and a modified atmosphere)

    When you have a world with 3 times (random number based on nothing) more people you also have 3 times more great artists, scientists, etc. Of course only, if society stays more or less the same. Imagine how many great works we could have if the majority of great minds wasn’t preoccupied paying for food and a place to stay like in a hamster wheel.

  • I hope I just had bad experience, but I have the aqua with backlight. About 2 years in, the display got terrible; hardly any contrast, especially in the edges. About 3 years in, the rubber buttons just crumbled away; so no more waterproof.

    Can’t read anyways anymore, the contrast by now is like egg white on snow white. Didn’t mistreat, it was always stored dry and in no direct sunlight.