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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024


  • Hacking a private corporate system, which is generally on closed nets and requires an internal actor / phishing, is significantly different from exploiting a code fault on a public network.

    Trustless systems rely on mathematics to secure their networks. This is both the revolution of them and the risk. If you build a system of value and it is on a public network, and you fail to properly secure it, that is supposed to be the risk. You lose money, hopefully go bankrupt / lose credibility, and a more efficient actor eats your lunch.

    Treating it like a traditional system with these unspoken legal safeguards when it uses a public blockchain and public network is absurd.

  • No.

    It is more like finding a gold mine on public BLM land. It is over treacherous mountains only experienced climbers can access. There are no signs or doors saying it is licensed to anyone; indeed, it isn’t officially registered with BLM. So the climbers go in and take as many gold nuggets as they can carry.

    Unbeknownst to them, it was a mine discovered by rich and connected people who have cronies in BLM. Rangers go and arrest the climbers and say that you aren’t allowed to climb, climbing is illegal, and taking gold from that mine is illegal because someone else found it and dug it, even though they didn’t properly secure it nor did they put up any signs. They assumed the mountain was enough protection.

    This is closer to the situation.

  • Did you really just link me to NBC news?

    How are so many people still plugged in to this nonsense?

    Do people really still believe that space age nations with access to AI, nuclear, and semiconductor technologies should follows the dramas of individual human leaders?

    Does this primitive practice really, actually appeal to people? Are you people actually real? You actually care about the sayings and doings of clearly theatrical and phony leaders?

    There is no such thing as a leader of 300 million people, you understand this, right?

    The dog and pony show of elections is a theater of puppets orchestrated by a global elite that owns the US government and most governments of the world.

    Do you know how easy it is to capture the soul of a single meat and bones, weak human entity with a family and a physical time and place?

    Do you know how easy it is to capture 10,000 souls? How many representatives and senators do you have again?

    ALL of them are captured.

    Most with money.

    The more stubborn ones, with blackmail. Some of them are so principled and stubborn they would rather die than compromise their values. But those ones have sons, daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and while they won’t compromise for their own lives, they do compromise for the lives of those they love.

    You have no clue, do you, the reality of this world? You have no idea of the evil hidden in plain sight within the hearts of man?

    Your “government” fell a very long time ago.

  • You realize that people can also go vote for Trump too, right? Do you understand that? Do you understand that “go vote” does not mean your man is the target?

    Taking no action in a genocidal cult-for-a-government is better than taking action for what either side believes is the right side.

    Back off of fascism for a second and respect people’s autonomy. None of us asked for be a part of this half-baked, misguided mechanism, but we have a choice to stop using it. You have no right to say otherwise.

    A no-vote IS a vote.

  • Good for you for having a reasonable mind in defiance of the system and the countless, unfortunately brainwashed thralls that continue to support it.

    A no-vote is a vote against a tyrannous and oppressive system. Every 4 years is a new “emergency, vote for the lesser of two evils!!!” And every 4 years, we descend more rapidly into authoritarianism.

    Do not participate in this system created by slavers. Put your energy elsewhere. Can’t we do better today? Put your energy into better.

    Attention is currency. Around the world, we need to stop giving these tyrants attention. Corporations have record profits yet the prices of food keep increasing, wages stay stagnant, mass layoffs are occurring, and the global temperature keeps increasing. They do not care, because they have hoarded all your attention and power, and they use it to make a nee world for them.

    Their “governments” that they make you think are actually yours, serve that machine of their safety. You are in the meat grinder, and they consume the meat.

    The grinder is perfectly balanced. Every vote for the side you think is benevolent gets balanced by a vote against it. You will NEVER have an impact on change within the system. The best thing any individual can do is STOP. Opt out of the system. Live closer to nature and form new, self-sufficient communities.

    A no-vote is just the beginning of opting out. The PEOPLE have the power, not a slaver-created mechanism they call a “government”.

  • *unfortunately oil companies that control the entire energy sector, NRC, and most politicians have created a fictional State politics and news fear cycle, since nuclear energy is the primary way to eradicate their business and profits

    Fixed it for you.

    Friendly reminder that the government is a facade and is run by major corporations and nations like Saudi Arabia & Israel. The people have completely lost control of the government in the US. Voting is a construct hijacked to institutionalize hopelessness and release the steam of rebellion. It isn’t voting when corporations choose who your choices are!

  • Embarrassing? Tesla single handedly showed an alternative to oil-based vehicles with an absolutely superior machine. I put 200,000 miles on my Tesla model 3 driving it off road to some of the most remote places in the US, and it never broke a sweat. It was the first car that could keep up with my adventure spirit. If a traditional manufacturer made this machine it would have cost $300,000 for what it can do.

    While you are here buying in to big oil brain washing, this company has single handedly done more in the war against climate change, and dystopian hellscape oil/based economies like Saudi Arabia, than any other company in history.

    Musk might be autistic and have a lot of dumb ideas he can’t keep contained but he undeniably has a better vision for what technology the public has access to. A single person’s personality is such a dumb reason to support oil companies, with the blood of millions on their hands, and possibly the end of this planet. Keep drinking the koolaide, though!