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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Ahahaha, tell me you’ve never left your country, probably not even your fucking state.

    Yeah, all of Europe doesn’t know how to tow, and is „sketchy as fuck“. 🤡

    This is perfectly legal and safe.

    You know what’s sketchy as fuck? The US, which has 3 times more road deaths per capita than the EU.

    Now go back to your wankpanzer, please.

  • yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm not even sure I want to know
    10 months ago

    I don’t want to defend gulags but they didn’t have poison shower rooms or child corpse disposal staff.

    Neither did concentration camps:

    "Interned persons may be held in prisons or in facilities known as internment camps (also known as concentration camps). The term concentration camp originates from the Spanish–Cuban Ten Years’ War when Spanish forces detained Cuban civilians in camps in order to more easily combat guerrilla forces. Over the following decades the British during the Second Boer War and the Americans during the Philippine–American War also used concentration camps.

    The term “concentration camp” and “internment camp” are used to refer to a variety of systems that greatly differ in their severity, mortality rate, and architecture; their defining characteristic is that inmates are held outside the rule of law. Extermination camps or death camps, whose primary purpose is killing, are also imprecisely referred to as “concentration camps”."


    Don’t minimize the Holocaust on your way to agree with everyone else that tankies are delusional assholes.

    The singularity of the Holocaust lies in the extermination camps, where millions of people were murdered with industrial efficiency:


    Saying that concentration camps exist(ed) in other countries is not Holocaust relativism.

  • It’s also a lifestyle that selects for intelligence (small hunters tend to be pretty smart)

    Humans are already on the large side for mammals and are pretty intelligent (or let’s rather say successful)

    Why would there be a species where the adults are intelligent and social enough to be a spacefaring power, and yet apparently nothing they learn as an adult is needed for an individual to pass on it’s genes?

    You already do know another species who does that, and you call those useless adults Nana and Gramps.

    There’s more to a society (and to evolution) than just surviving and procreating, you need knowledge and history. This you can only build when you’re not constantly fighting for the very survival, so having people around who aren’t busy with procreating all the time is actually the most likely route to developing genuine sapience.

  • yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    Yeah well, so you’re an orthodox Marxist and I disagree with you ¯\(ツ)

    But when people refer to base or true communism, the answer is just one.

    Aha, is that so?

    I dislike that naming since others played a big role on forming it as well

    Yeah, you could say that!

    So! Let’s talk about Restif de la Bretonne who was using „communist“ and „communism“ 60-70 years before Marx writes the „Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei“. Babeuf (who called himself a „communalist“) already tried to incite a communist revolution in the 1790s. De La Hodde calls the Parisian general strike in 1840 „inspired by communist ideas“. In 1841 the „Communistes Matérialistes“ publish „L’Humanitaire“, which Nettlau calls „the first libertarian communist publication“.

    And how come that a certain bloke named Karl Marx in his 1842 essay „Der Kommunismus und die Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung" finds that communism had already become an international movement. Hey, I know that name! 🤔

    Tell me, how exactly is Marxism (or whatever you want to call it) the one and only trüe communism™ when there’s decades of different variances of communism and movements of people calling themselves communists before the „Manifest“?

    Just face it: your beloved Marxism is just one variant of communism, which for a variety of reasons has become the best known. But it’s certainly not „base communism“.

  • yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    No, I have a very easy explanation what communism is, it’s just that nobody else agrees is the issue.

    different approaches carry a different name

    Yeah, well… So let’s see, we have: Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Titoism, Gulyáskommunizmus (both, as mentioned before, considered „nationalist communism“ by other communists), Rätekommunismus, Realsozialismus, Maoism …

    So, which one of those is the true communism?

    Joking aside, most of the 20th century was spent with people killing other people because they had slightly different opinions on what true communism means, so it’s really not me who made things complicated.

  • yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    Unless you’re an ultra-orthodox marxist, there is no such thing as trüe communism™.

    There always have been many different ideas what „communism“ is, e.g. there have been various „nationalist communist“ ideologies (complicated by the fact that the Russian SFSR called everything „nationalist“ that wasn’t 100% aligned with its ideas of the Soviet Union, e.g. Hungary).

    There are also no clear boundaries between communism, socialism, and anarchism, e.g. Kropotkin with his theories of anarchist communism.

    That being said, I don’t think communism is a system (either social or economic), it’s strictly an idealogy, meaning it’s a way to achieve something, i.e. the classless and stateless society. If you follow that thought to its logical end, you cannot even „achieve“ communism at all, since at this point e.g. the proletariat ceases to exist, and as a result you cannot have a „dictatorship of the proletariat“.

    It’s… complicated.