Hey everyone.]
So update 98/99 has gone live which fixes the crashes (thanks for the reports).
I’m gearing up for a pretty sizable release but just wanted to check in and ask if there was any issues you’re having that I should know about or any new feature requests.
Sorry for the bad comms but I’m making my way through lots of messages and posts on here. Thanks for the patience as I get through these all.
Cheers, Lj
Umm… Redgifs stopped working
Dad please turn the porn back on
Fix is going live. I completely rewrote this part and should be able to fix it remotely in future without deploying a new apk.
Full immersive mode, or transparent navigation bar. Gesture navigation is horrible.
I’m partly colorblind and it’s super hard for me to see when I upvoted or downvoted a post. Just making the up or down arrow bolder (or circled) once it’s been clicked would fix the issue completely for me and all types of colorblind people.
Thank you for the great work 💛
Hello, I’m a slut and I’d like to be able to upload NSFW pictures again ❣️
I’ll get that enabled again 🫡
Any option about block NSFW content during hours (work) instead of having to toggle on/off?
I’m eagerly waiting for separate upvote and downvote counters 😼 but let me know if you were only asking for features not discussed previously to shut up next time
I recently started using a VPN and have found that I can’t post comments while my connection is secured. Don’t know if that’s a Sync issue or what.