In my teen years and 20s I was a skinny dude, broom legs and arms and flat torso, I’m also very tall for a latino so made it more noticeable. But now that I’m on my mid 30s and that anything that I drink or eat is getting harder to “digest” I’m now overweight, still skinny limbs but with a protruding belly, like majority of Latinos here (we don’t believe in diets) and I don’t care anymore.

I was worried about my look as a kid but then realised that I wasn’t going to do anything with it, I’m not a model or role model for anything, unfortunately I will not be able to have my own family and I’m hoping to have a short lifespan so my health isn’t something that I care that much, don’t give a shit about my life tbh.

There’s a certain sensation of solace with that realisation accompanied by depression, then pain, but hey, life sucks after all, took me 30 years to get there.

    2 months ago

    our doctor starts giving papers with lists of food you can eat on it.

    I don’t understand how fucking quacks are the back stop to this shit… these rent seekers are about as reliable as vet sellign you pet food.

    as always too late to really help but in time to profit off it