• trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
    8 months ago

    No sane team lead would accept a mission like that. That’s just asking for massive friendly casualties.

    Kicking in doors has an extremely high death toll, especially if it’s a known base, of course they’re going to level it instead of committing a team that’s definitely going to get blown up by ied’s and killed in ambushes.

    In order to effectively suppress and seize that hospital, you’re asking that at least 100-200 friendlies die during the operation to take a building that’s a known travel route to their tunnels which house thousands of hamas and related fighters and their kit. Given the level of failure of the intel community in Isreal right now, no one operations side is going to take their word that it’s safe to send a team into that hospital.

    It’s a hospital when it’s in operation, right now it’s a terrorist base of operations SPECIFICALLY because it was a hospital.

    See: https://ground.news/article/hamas-has-command-center-under-al-shifa-hospital-us-official-says

    • EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      In otherwords you value the lives of 100-200 IDF soldiers over the lives of many more Palestinian civilians. Considering you probably think 12,000 Palestinian deaths is a proportionate response to 1,200 Israeli deaths that’s no surprise

      • trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
        8 months ago

        That was best case scenario from a POV of someone who’s done the job. Regardless of your keyboard warrior virtue signaling, no one sane is going to sacrifice their people to save a known terrorist base.

        I didn’t provide my personal opinion, I provided a description of why your view on the topic is insane.

        Edit for clarification: The ELECTED officials of Palestine, HAMAS, their government, has taken their own people hostage and you expect the people who were offering a permanent peace agreement LITERALLY THE DAY BEFORE THE ATTACK, that had their peace party literally interrupted by an act of war by hamas, to sacrifice their own people to save potential attackers pretending to be victims?

        • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          I think it’s very misleading how Israel and pro Israelis like to make all humane and heroic actions seem like they are not an option.

          NOT destroying the hospital was an option whether you want to send soldiers in there or not.

          • trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
            8 months ago

            I’m not there on the ground so I can’t say or prove anything one way or another beyond the articles presented thus far. Mass media hasn’t been reliable since AI’s were able to pass the turing test last year, hell you or I could even be bots pushing an agenda.

            The reality of the situation is that the IDF is under the impression that there is access to the HAMAS tunnels under the hospital which makes the entire hospital enemy territory. They can’t enter it for fear of IED’s and they can’t leave it alone because it’s full of enemies.

            Personally I’d say implement a cordon with tanks/IFV’s and try to run crowd control, but the response back from a higher up would be ‘the ied problem’. I don’t have a real solution, I’m simply pointing out (to the OG commenter) that their idea is untenable for even T1 groups.

            I am hoping that through discussion perhaps a solution will be found, unlikely as it is, but I appreciate different views on the matter.

            • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              The reality is that the IDF can’t announce an area full of dying patients and doctors and journalists and refugees as that and then start shooting anyone who dares leave, and do absolutely no effort to evacuate them properly, and then offer them a tiny amount of fuel to mock their misery.

              Sorry but we are past the point of normal army operation. The only explanation that for me fits is that the goal of the IDF is to ethnically cleanse and genocide Palestinians. Sadly the ethnic cleansing part isn’t exactly a secret either thanks to Israeli document leaks, so we know that was a part of the plan all along. This is why Biden and Bibi are having this weird haggle right now about forcibly displacing Palestinians or putting them under an even smaller open air prison.

              • trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
                8 months ago

                I take it then that you didn’t follow the majority of our actions either in history or during our engagements in afghanistan and iraq.

                • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  I take it you don’t know anything about me and yet decided to throw this in, not sure what it’s meant to accomplish. Make me look like I’m not informed.

                  Well, joke is on you. I’m an Arab, I watched the Iraq war unfold on the news growing up, my father watched it every evening, so I’d say from a very young age I’ve been keeping up with American (aka “your”) actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, especially since they often directly affect life in Jordan (which is where my parents live). Really helps when you speak the language.

                  So now, are you going to make a real point or just point out things that you assume I don’t know shit about?

      • emax_gomax@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        I mean, they signed off to protect Israelis. If Palestine were Israeli citizens then maybe they’d have some obligation to risk their lives to minimise damage to them but otherwise why should they? Soldiers aren’t expected to sacrifice themselves for foreign citizens. Hell some are just brutally sadistic towards them with legal impunity because the citizens of one government have next to no rights in the other aside from whats deemed diplomatically useful and even that is beyond the purview of the average soldier. Theres a reason America switched to using drone strikes on enemy infrastructure instead of sending their soldiers. That has the exact same trade off as well which is more civilian casualties and less soldier casualties. The bad thing here is israel is actively targetting civilian infrastructure and hamas is known to hide in such infrastructure, both things raising the innocent casualty rate immensely.

        • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          . If Palestine were Israeli citizens then maybe they’d have some obligation to risk their lives to minimise damage to them but otherwise why should they?

          Got it, human life not worth much to Israeli soldiers if they are not Jewish and/or Israeli. By the actions of Isralis in the West Bank, I would say the Israeli government doesn’t value “Arab Israeli” lives that much either.

          Soldiers aren’t expected to sacrifice themselves for foreign citizens.

          No, but they are also not expected to keep an apartheid state running but here we are.

          The bad thing here is israel is actively targetting civilian infrastructure and hamas is known to hide in such infrastructure, both things raising the innocent casualty rate immensely.

          The bad thing here is israel is actively targetting civilian infrastructure and hamas is known to hide in such infrastructure, both things raising the innocent casualty rate immensely.

          If you can’t see how it’s directly Israeli soldiers that “shoot through babies to kill a terrorist”, then I can’t help you. If you are unable to see how these people all died from Israeli missiles directly, that Israel could have not fired if it was a self-respecting humanitarian nation… then I can’t help you, sorry.

          • emax_gomax@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Got it, human life not worth much to Israeli soldiers if they are not Jewish and/or Israeli. By the actions of Isralis in the West Bank, I would say the Israeli government doesn’t value “Arab Israeli” lives that much either.

            You’re grandstanding. I’m sure many soldiers care about the Palestinians plight in this situation because their human beings. I’m saying their not obligated to, not that they don’t. It’s not their responsibility as a consequence of their role. Even if it was do you think an individual soldiers is defining on the ground policy. Like command comes down to level a building and a band of soldiers just join together and say “no, I’ll go in myself and confirm the threat alone” like some cheesy American movie.

            No, but they are also not expected to keep an apartheid state running but here we are.

            What exactly do you think is a soldiers job? because they don’t determine diplomatic policy. That’s on politicians. One of their responsibilities is helping enforce that policy but they don’t exactly have a choice here if they want to protect Israelis. Just quitting and getting discharged ain’t exactly gonna stop hamas pulling shit like the October attack.

            If you can’t see how it’s directly Israeli soldiers that “shoot through babies to kill a terrorist”, then I can’t help you. If you are unable to see how these people all died from Israeli missiles directly, that Israel could have not fired if it was a self-respecting humanitarian nation… then I can’t help you, sorry.

            Everyone could just not do things. Hamas could’ve just not attacked in October and killed a bunch of innocent civilians. Hamas could just not keep the hostages they’ve taken and return them so Israel isn’t incentivised to level Palestine to the ground to find them. This isn’t a rational line of reasoning. If you’re outraged and upset that’s fine, frankly it would be weirder if anyone wasn’t given this clusterf*ck of a situation. But that doesn’t mean you can just make large generic points and obvious lapses in reasoning and not get called out on it.

      • trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
        8 months ago

        It’s not the IDF’s responsibility to protect Palestinians, it’s HAMAS’, the legally elected government of Palestine… You know, the country which just launched an attack against Israel to which Israel responded with violence and then hamas hid behind civilians in a hospital.

        Can’t have missed it, it’s been all over the news.

        • المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          I thought it was the IDF’s responsibility not to kill civilians directly? Does it matter which kind of civilians they are? Or does Israel like to play favorites where one Palestinian is not worth a tenth of an Israeli?

          (and meh to your snarky comment)

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Ground News is missing the most important part. Nobody has seen the evidence to corroborate the statement. This is as credible as mobile chemical labs until that happens.

      Second, this is what the Infantry exists for. No professional military is going bomb a functioning hospital without serious evidence of a large troop concentration there. Just saying you don’t want to take casualties is not an excuse in international law or military culture.

      • trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
        8 months ago

        Infantry are tasked to take the hill when it is strategically and operationally required, not when the enemy presents ‘hostages’ to which we cannot verify the identities of, nor confirm are not enemy combatants as the legal government, hamas, committed an act of war, Israel responded in kind, and in most full-war scenarios, the civilians are also considered hostile if they can be listed as ‘military age’.

        The age of throwing soldiers into the hill with abandon is way over, you require intelligence and operational equipment and engagement now. (drones, munitions, local assets to guide the engagement/translate, vehicles, etc). Israel had a complete intelligence failure and to prevent mass casualties going in with infantry, they used the next best thing, artillery.

        One of the leading causes of death in the Canadian and American militaries during the last two decades of engagements was due to IED or VBIED’s (vehicle born improvised explosive device), and every green military learned from this to do vastly more reconnaissance before wasting the LITERAL MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER TROOP IN TRAINING throwing them uselessly at an enemy.

        A fully qualified regular force of 11A(USA)/0010(CDN) is given around ~375k USD in training and development costs (per person) just to do their base job of firing a rifle, this does not include specialist training or anything beyond maybe how to effectively conduct a vehicle check point. All other skills require a vast amount of training as well as leadership courses, CQB courses, vehicle courses, medical check up, engineering courses, oreinteering courses, wilderness survival courses, etc.

        Actions have consequences and where I would like the aggression to stop today, hamas still exists and their MANDATE of existence, their literal raison d’etre, if you will, is to eliminate all jewish people.

        No one wants the killing of civilians, however the reality on the ground is the IDF using our weapons, uniforms, vehicles, and ammunition to gun down innocents and guilty alike, just like how we sell saudis weapons and how we sell weapons all over the world for abuse by various dictators.

        This isn’t a situation where ‘stop, please stop’ is going to work for either hamas or the IDF and the US leadership is basically nonexistent with the current administration and if 45 wins again, the USA will probably crumble worse than Rome.

        Everything will simply escalate from here, and with the continuing fall of governments across the African continent and economies failing in the EU, it’s not long before lines are drawn and an ‘axis’ is presented in the propaganda.