• enbyecho@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    What do you mean validate they don’t give a crap. The alt right isn’t going to become less relevant because we refuse to use their tactics against them. The choice is do things by the book, keep our precious moral high ground and most likely lose or get dirty and have a fighting chance.

    Actually they do give a crap. It often doesn’t look that way because many of the most visible and vocal MAGA cult “leaders” want to push their members to enable their authoritarianism. But that’s the top-level power grab. If we do that ourselves we further enable it and allow those leaders to say “Look! See! They are doing it so we HAVE to do it!”

    Talk to MAGA cult members and you will find that if you strip away all the hyperbolic rhetoric and bring it down to the nuts and bolts level they pretty much want the same things we want - fair wages, affordable cost of living, decent affordable healthcare, bodily autonomy, etc etc. A recent Wapo article highlighted this - that if you present Harris’ policies to Trump supporters absent the party they came from, those policies are very popular.

    Why would I respect someone who’s grand philosophy is scapegoating and crowning a king?

    You don’t have to respect their ideas or behavior, but if you do not respect them as people how can you expect them to respect you? When a child steals a toy from another child, do you beat them senseless or do you use educational tactics to ensure they understand and absorb the central lessons of sharing.

    I also think it’s important to recognize the limits of this “grand philosophy”. The average MAGA cult member doesn’t really have one. They want a gallon of milk to cost $2 and a be able to get a 30 pack of Miller Lite every week without going bankrupt. Because they are poorly educated and too damned tired to care they want a silver bullet (see what I did there) to solve their problems, which this week means crowing a king. They don’t think beyond that, so why would you make the same mistake?

    clawing out the political and cultural power back from their sweaty hands

    And how do we accomplish that? It’s not a single line of effort but a combination of tactics: 1. Work harder to win at the ballot box which partly means: 2. Hold our mainstream party leaders to account and push them toward policies that will win elections. I happen to be aligned with Sanders on this and believe that to be policies that are progressive in nature but not in name; 3. Educate and inform. You can’t pull people away from MAGA thinking by shouting at them. f

    I believe the best framework for approaching this is to acknowledge the MAGA “movement” as a cult. It’s members are often less educated and have not developed critical thinking skills nor the mental resilience to resist the brainwashing. This is only sometimes a question of intelligence - I do believe that processed food and exposure to pollutants has lowered average intelligence in particularly unjust ways, but I don’t think that’s the central issue here. Mainly it’s a question of education and the only way to successfully educate people is to meet them where they are and to open minds, not close them.