What is a good alternative to proton mail these days?
any already mentioned here + using your own domain name
Sorry I’m not really adding to the question but we need alternatives for a lot of apps… Fb, Instagram, WhatsApp,etc it’s impossible for me to ditch them all without loosing contact with friends/family… any other threads going on about this? Maybe have a general thread and subsequent migration movements, we really need to act on this social life monopoly we’ve became hostages to…
Sadly the best product mail-wise is currently MS Exchange online. Privacy wise Posteo is probably the best.
I’ll recommend Tuta mail.
I guess I’m out of the loop. What’s wrong with Proton?
Its CEO is kissing Trump’s ass.
really? that sucks. really? i am genuinely so disappointed, jeez
That’s one take: that Andrew Yang is a Trump supporter. However, another take is that he made a massive mistake by making it seem as if he supported Trump, even though he was talking about something specific and narrow.
Always has been a sketchy company - any company who claims Swiss privacy laws are good (and in reality operates out of the US) is lying to you.
I’ve been using PurelyMail for over a year now and it’s been solid. Probably aimed more at tech-minded folk though.
mailbox.org seems pretty good. No apps though. And setting up syncing for calendar and contacts takes a bit of work. but once it’s working, it’s good. I’m using thunderbird mobile for mail and DAVx5 to sync contacts and calendar.
What in the spam username is this?
I want to say… Some sort of self hoster with a cheap domain going for the “security through obscurity” approach…
I’ll let you explore, but definitely a self hoster!
.com’s are 10 bucks. How cheap could it be??
The 1.111B class (basically the numbered domains) cost ~1 dollar/yr.
That is a lot cheaper
Free for a year or so, depending on where you register
I’ve had a decent experience with Tuta.
Opened a Tuta account six months ago and have never been back on Protonmail as a result. Same quality for free.
StartMail is owned by an advertising company, it’s not a better choice whatsoever.
Until they don’t.
After trying and failing to get used to Proton’s UX, Fastmail has been great.
Been using Fastmail for a few years now. I really like it.
I’ve been a Runbox customer for many years. Never had a problem. Runbox is operated from privacy-respecting Norway.