Yeah! Just because a racist, fascist douchebag does a seig heil doesn’t mean you should tell obvious big mean old lies about him being a Nazi!
You tell those woke mind virus victims, Joe!
Yeah! Just because a racist, fascist douchebag does a seig heil doesn’t mean you should tell obvious big mean old lies about him being a Nazi!
You tell those woke mind virus victims, Joe!
Goebbels say what?
That’s giving Joe way too much credit. Goebbels was evil, but he was also smart.
Spot on. There are so many good quotes from him and Goering. I’m not a Nazi weirdo or anything, but they’re just so… Relevant.
Makes you think some leaders studied this a bit…
W: “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”
Yeah I debated going with Göring, but I decided to pick the 'mouth of Sauron ’ angle. As Göring is also way more intelligent than Rogan… And a legit war vet.