• cmbabul@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Killing Hitler doesn’t even necessarily prevent WWII or the Holocaust. Changed no doubt but out right prevented is crazy

    • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Here’s a fact that most people don’t want to admit. The most hitler had to do with the holocaust was signing the papers that authorized it.

      The concentration camps were never his idea. He didn’t plan them. He didn’t bother with them. He never even visited one. He DID sign the paperwork authorizing the funding of them, but that’s as far as his involvement went. He still hated the jews, and felt no sympathy for their deaths. He just spent more time poorly planning war efforts, and doing drugs that today would be known as heroin and meth.

      So I’m not defending him in any way. I’m just saying any thoughts of who was behind the holocaust should really be attributed to Heimlich Himmler (probably spelling his name wrong). He’s the one who designed the holocaust. He was hitlers number two guy, and spent most of his days at concentration camps, designing new methods of “efficiency”.

      There were a LOT of evil nazis. Not just hitler. And the main takeaway that I want people to learn from this is that they were NOT monsters. Because once you seperate them from being human, you think of things in terms that it couldn’t be repeated. That “people” are not capable of what they did. Don’t seperate it by time period, or race, or religion, or sny other thing you can think of to block them off as not being human. They WERE people. They were evil people, but still people. Their thought process could be carried out today. It can happen again. And by thinking of them as monsters, you distance yourself from others who might have the same ideas in their mind. Wave the left hand to distract you from the autrocities of the right hand. All while reassuring you that you’re not as bsd as the nazis. They were monsters! Meanwhile, you’re mindlessly following a dictators orders to storm a home of a defenseless woman and infant baby. Then you and your soldier crew take turns sexually raping the 7 week old baby until it died, and then you continued.

      Is that too graphic? Good. It shows YOU have empathy. If you read that, and got angry, or offended, good. That’s a natural reaction, because that happened. That’s what russian soldiers in 2022 did to a Ukrainain woman and her baby. The russian government gave them medals. And people in russian social media at the time said “The soldiers were just following orders”.

      So if you ever need proof that the nazi mindset can happen in any government, in any time period, in any country, just think of what they were doing. Just following orders. Then look up the Nuremberg Trials, and try to spot the similarities in their defense.

      The only thing that needs to happen for evil to continue, is for good men to say nothing.

      • bouh@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Hitler still was crucial for the nazis to take power. His political wits was much higher than any other nazi. He did turn the nazi party from an irrelevant extremist group to a force that could seize power. He didn’t do it alone. But pretending that nothing would change without him is like pretending Caesar or Napoléon weren’t mandatory to their deeds.

        Hitler definitely couldn’t do what he did alone. But he was definitely a pivotal factor to make History what it was.