it’s got a vision and it is wholly original because it is made by an auteur.
/ō-tûr′, ō-tœr′/
A filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style.
A creative artist, especially a film director, seen as having a specific, recognisable artistic vision, and who is seen as the single or preeminent ‘author’ of his works.
A filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
auteur /ō-tûr′, ō-tœr′/
A filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style.
A creative artist, especially a film director, seen as having a specific, recognisable artistic vision, and who is seen as the single or preeminent ‘author’ of his works.
A filmmaker who has a personal style and keeps creative control over his or her works.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition