TF rock you been under? I have yet to encounter a dem, especially here, who hasn’t called Gaza some version of an open-air concentration camp run by Israel. Yeah, elected tools softballed the F out of it, but here you are… “DeMs BaD!1!1”. Same old shit. Pound sand with your appeal to hypocrisy.
Democrats a year ago: Shut up about Gaza! there is no genocide, you are just being dramatic.
Democrats now: Ohh, poor gaza, why aren’t you doing anything about them? This is all your fault!!!
TF rock you been under? I have yet to encounter a dem, especially here, who hasn’t called Gaza some version of an open-air concentration camp run by Israel. Yeah, elected tools softballed the F out of it, but here you are… “DeMs BaD!1!1”. Same old shit. Pound sand with your appeal to hypocrisy.
“I have yet to encounter a dem, especially here, who hasn’t called Gaza some version of an open-air concentration camp”
You weren’t paying enough attention then.
Your average democrat was firmly on Israel’s side until it became politically convenient for them to pretend they always cared about Palestine.
“Pound sand with your appeal to hypocrisy.”
Not my fault democrats are hypocrites.