This person has been sent to a mental hospital and is asking if they can use business laws to declare themselves sane.
They should be using Admiralty Law to declare themselves seaworthy.
I finally understood the sovcit guys when I realized they’re basically trying to cast magic spells. If you speak the right magic words at the right time, your miracle happens. Or curse or blessing or whatever.
Best laugh I’ve had all year. Cheers!
But will you be driving, sailing out traveling?
They can’t keep me in this mental institution, I’m the Messiah!
I shouldn’t laugh, as this is an unintentionally funny statement. The level of nonsense these sovcits spew is hilarious and mindboggling.
That’s your mistake there, you should appeal Damian Clearance not David Clarence. Rookie mistake.
“but David Clarence so far” makes it sound like Cockney rhyming slang for something.
I twa’ed ‘im somefin’ fierce righ’ in 'is gob, but we’ve got David Clarence so far guv