• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • They pioneered modern day planned obsolescence, they also popularised unrepairable electronics. They try to block or bastardise any right to repair bills. They force chip distributors to not sell chips they use so their products can’t be repaired. They make building applications for Mac at scale a huge pain in the ass and extremely expensive, the solution I recently built wastes insane amounts of power because of the way Apple licenses their stuff. Overall it’s a shitty company who fucks poor people in developing nations, fucks the environment and fucks it’s customers. I don’t care how well it may or may not work, fuck Apple.

    Also OSX ui is shit and annoying.

  • What does that even matter?

    Maybe I don’t want to be alive? Maybe being alive was something that was done to me? Maybe being born into the family and body I have is the trick?

    Like, you sound so pedantic, bitter and quite angry about something people say to express something happening slowly without necessarily noticing how bad it is until something brings it to their attention.

    Believe it or not, and this may be hard to grasp, but not everyone experiences life the way you do in your head.

  • I don’t think it’s about caring.

    When you slowly boil the frog in water, does it care that it’s being boiled? Yes. Does it notice? Not initially no, it becomes apparent later on when it impacts it’s life.

    I was stuck inside for almost 2 years alone, I didn’t have friends and I felt shit about myself altogether. I didn’t look in the mirror and I didn’t notice.

    Until a friend sent me a photo of me at the park and I realised how bad it was and that I felt disgusting.

    Did I care? Yeah, but I didn’t notice the gradual change. I can identify the behavior and I can say the average time span, but I have no idea when it actually started or when it started to plateau.

    I don’t have a scale, I don’t weigh myself, I actively avoid mirrors to stop me from hating myself even more…

    I also think you’re taking the saying too literally.