• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Einen Straßennamen würde ich aber kaum als Würdigung bezeichnen.

    Als was würdest du das dann bezeichnen? Angenommen eine Stadt beschließt eine Straße nach dir zu benennen, das würdest du nicht als Würdigung bezeichnen? Ich glaub dir ja fast, dass du das nicht als Würdigung siehst. Ich fürchte nur, dass die meisten das anders sehen. Schau dir mal an nach wem Straßen in Deutschland (und anderen Ländern) benannt sind.

    Ich finde, da gehört eine Infotafel zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus in dem Ort dazu hingestellt, wo schon aufgeklärt wird was passiert ist und wie es sich damals so ergeben konnte. Dann kann, und gewissermaßen soll, man auch gerne Straßen nach Nationalsozialisten benennen.

    Verstehe ich das richtig, dass du für die Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland Straßen nach Nazis benennen und dann darunter Infotafeln aufstellen würdest? Mal abgesehen davon, dass wir uns vielleicht lieber an die Opfer als an die Täter erinnern sollten, meinst du nicht, dass das zumindest international und auf Karten nicht so gut wirkt? Und wo würdest du die Tafel denn hinstellen? So eine Straße ist ja meistens auch ein bisschen länger. Stell dir vor wir würden das wirklich machen und noch einen Schritt weiter gehen, zur Erinnerungskultur in Berlin eine Adolf-Hitler-Allee einführen. Denn wenn dann müssen wir uns doch an den Typen erinnern! Kriegt auch irgendwo eine Tafel die erklärt, dass das nicht als Würdigung gemeint ist, eher so als Ächtung und für die Erinnerung. Fühlt sich das wirklich für dich nicht unsinnig an? Stell dir vor jemand fragt dich wo du wohnst und du musst antworten: Adolf-Hitler-Allee 88…

    Ich glaub nicht, dass du das ganze hier so richtig durchdacht hast.

  • The order and way actors appear in the credits is, as you alluded to, often part of the negotiations and contracts. Seems like these kids had better contacts than the others. That could be because they have more experience, their parts were supposed to be more prominent and changed (although I doubt that with these character names) or they simply had the better agent(s).

  • There is a lot of confusion around anarchism, because it is a negative description: It’s a collective without leader, without governing institutions. It doesn’t say much about how this collective organizes instead. So you could call the chaotic state after a government coup Anarchy. But that isn’t what anarchists are talking about and I don’t think that is what OP meant either.

    Anarchy as a deliberate system is when a group of people decides to work or live together without selecting a leader or any other form of government, instead resolving decisions that affect everyone together. In that sense it is not an interim state, a leadership-vacuum just waiting to be filled. Although of course Anarchy can transition into another system by various means, but so can every other system as well.

  • There are already a lot of good tips, I just want to add that telling people to calm down never works. They are upset for a reason, even if it’s a nonsensical one.

    If you happen to become the lighting rod for someone else’s anger it helps to remind yourself that they are not actually upset with you personally. You just happen to be caught in it.

    Sometimes it is possible to use empathy to align yourself with them by agreeing that this situation is upsetting, validating their feelings. In the end they will have to deal with their feelings, you can’t do that for them. All you can do is move out of the way and maybe redirect it. In this situation you could say: yes this sucks. I’m very sorry, I wish I could help you, but I will lose my job if I try. These regulations are there to protect our patients, but sometimes they get in the way. Unfortunately I cannot do anything about that. If I could I would.

    In the end this might or might not work to redirect their anger. How they deal with their anger is out of your control. That also means it is not your responsibility and you don’t need to take it to heart personally.

  • I’ve been looking forward to continue Jujutsu Kaisen, but I can hardly remember season 1. It seems to have been overwritten by Chainsaw Man and Demon Slayer in my head.

    Watching season 2 was a bit confusing at first, especially because it’s about events that happen before season 1. But now I’m wondering what I ever liked about the series. The characters are bland, the abilities and powers feel inconsistent. But most damning of all is the constant exposition. Every fart has to be explained by a character and it’s somehow simultaneously unnecessarily complicated and boring. But the animation is great!

    On the upside I gave Pluto on Netflix another shot. The first time I bounced off it after the first 15min. This time I made it through the first episode, which didn’t quite hook me either. But after hearing so much praise about it, I immediately went into episode 2 and finally got it. Reminded me of sci-fi classics like Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner. And of Watchmen, the comic in particular. Haven’t finished it yet, but would also highly recommend it to anyone interested in dense, philosophical sci-fi!

  • Here in Germany it depends on the region. But even within one region it can be different from friend group to friend group.

    I grew up in southern Germany with handshake as default greeting. Except women often get a hug instead. If you know someone well it’s more likely to greet with a hug with men grasping each other’s hand before a short hug and slap on the back. However, if you see them a lot you might just give them a nod. On the others hand id you haven’t seen them in a while they get a hug.

    In East Germany, where I live now, it seems to be much more common to hug your friends. Interestingly some will put their head on the right, reaching with their left hand over your shoulder. Which can be very awkward, when you are used to the opposite and almost kiss.