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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • The #1 thing Ive used AI for is commenting my code. It is pretty good at following my format and generating code documentation, based on my existing code.

    It’s also really good at helping me think of a good name for something, if there’s a specific word on the tip of my tongue. “Whats the word for when you do the thing with the thingy?” “It sounds like you are looking for (word)”

    Also its really good for helping me find the name of specific algorithms for use cases.

    “Is there a known algorithm I can look up that can fenangle a dinger?”

    “You might be looking for the Ferg Dergeson Flemming algorithm, which is a popular way to fenangle dingers”

    Then Ill look it up and it is, indeed, like the best way to fenangle a dinger and I’m like “well holy shit, this is a solved problem turns out, I shoulda known”

  • pixxelkick@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldstatic website generator
    2 days ago

    I use Hugo, it’s not super complicated.

    You basically just define templates in pseudo html for common content (header, nav panel, footer, etc), and then you write your articles in markdown and Hugo combines the two and outputs actual html files.

    You also have a content folder for js, css, and images which get output as is.

    That’s about all there is to it, it’s a pretty minimalist static site generator.

    Hosting wise you can just put it on github pages for free.

  • Well yeah, I’d hope so, that’s the entire point.

    Catcha’s data collection always was with the intent for training ai on these skills. That’s “the point” of them.

    It’s reasonable to expect that the older version of captchas can now be beaten by modern ai, because they’re often literally trained on that exact data to beat it.

    Captcha effectively is free to use on websites as a tool because the data collection is the “payment”, they then license that data out to people like OpenAI to train with for stuff like image recognition.

    It’s why ai is progressing so fast, captchas are one of humanity’s long term collected data silos that are very full now.

    We are going to have to keep progressing the complexity of catches as it will be the only way to catch modern AIs, and in turn it will collect more data to improve it.

  • Because having people download static map data for the entire planet just to play a game is untenable.

    You shouldn’t have to download the entire planet though.

    The game 100% should support installing local specific areas you wanna fly around, that anyone could then keep a copy of.

    If a user wanted to cache an entire 8 TB of the entire world on a drive, they should be able to just do that (and thus have forever support without worrying about internet services staying online)

    At least, as a snapshot of what the world looked like in 2024.

    I don’t see why users shouldn’t have the option to locally HD save the data if they want to, to avoid maxing out their internet bandwidth in one sitting.

  • Yeah this is just noticeable because most products weren’t even resealable, they just expected you to seal em yourself with a clip, twist em, put em in a container, etc.

    Now they are adding cheap resealable zips to the bag, which is nice in theory but the bag material has to be strong enough to support it.

    Actual ziplock baggies themselves are made of thick plastic that can take a bit of abuse.

    But cheap paper plastic hybrid materials a chip bag us made of can’t handle that sort of load, so it becomes the fail point.

  • Regardless of budget, I have found the following setup has afforded me all the comfort upsides of mobility and console gaming, with none of the performance downsides.

    1. Build a standard desktop gaming pc to your budget, setting aside ~$150, give or take.

    2. Make sure it’s wired into your network and not using wifi. Setup Steam on it as usual.

    3a. (Console experience) Buy a Google TV with Chromecast, or whatever it’s called now. Install Steam Link app on it and connect it to your gaming pc. Get a Bluetooth compatible Xbox controller, connect it to the chromecast. Enjoy a console experience with your gaming pc. If you have the chromecast on a wired ethernet lime you’ll have maybe 1ms of input lag, very playable.

    3b. (Laptop experience), buy a dirt cheap laptop, install steam on it, use Steam Streaming fu ctionaloty to stream from gaming pc to laptop. If you plug the laptop into ethernet you should have sub 1ms input lag.

    This let’s you get all the horsepower of a gaming pc, at gaming pc hardware prices, but the portability of a laptop and/or couch gaming comfort of a console.

    And since it’s all centralized to your 1 “server” machine, of you make changes in setup A (ie change am in game setting or etc), it’ll persist even if you swap over.

    IE if I change my settings or preferences on the console, I’ll persist that over on my laptop and won’t have to change it again.

    Furthermore no network save game synching needed, no waiting for a game to download a second time, no need to update the fane multiple times, etc.

    It’s all centralized to your own core machine and everything else is just a thin client.

    PS: this works with the Steam Deck too, you can stream from gaming pc to steam deck and use it as a thin client 👍

  • Why is it that blatantly lying about your political opponent and actively spreading clear disinformation that is easily reputable isn’t penalized?

    And I don’t want like “cuz capitalism” zero effort responses, I’m wanting to know from an actual legal complexity standpoint what would go wrong if this was made illegal.

    The fact it’s so clearly provably as a false claim by countless directions, it should be an open and shut “you spread obvious disinformation” and at least a notable slap on the wrist should occur each time.

    Why can a candidate just go and openly lie and say whatever without penalty, legally? Shouldn’t this be under something like Libel, defamation, etc?

    Shouldn’t Kamala’s crew be able to take Trump to court right now for defamation?

  • Easily #1, but that’s because they worded it as what her current interests are.

    Just be interesting yourself, and put the work into finding out what about her interests are actually interesting. People find things interesting for a reason.

    No one is actually boring, if you find someone boring it just means you dont understand them yet. Pay attention, listen, and try to see it through their eyes and maybe you’ll find their “boring” interests aren’t so boring after all, you just didnt “see” it fully yet to appreciate it.

    And, typically, if you put the work into showing interest in whatever they are into, they’ll reciprocate.

    Also, there’s infinite room for the two of you to both find new interests neither of you had before that now you both can share.

    When my fiance and I started dating years ago, neither of us gave a shit about birds… but now that we live in a place with lots of cool random birds we can spot, and we go for walks everyday, we actually stop and go “holy shit what kind of bird is that, I dont recognize it” or “holy fuck are those pelicans? I didnt even know we got pelicans here!” etc etc.

    The other day out of the blue when we were chilling at a nearby water reservoir watching a duck, a whole ass fuckin pelican came outta nowhere and swooped down, splashing into the water and sniped a random fish, then burst up with it in its mouth like… 2 feet in front of us. It was a pretty big “holy shit did that just happen?” moment.

    If we hadn’t been sitting there just enjoying watching a duck, we never would’ve gotten to see that pelican.

    So, you know, maybe there’s no such thing as “normie” interests, or a “boring” person. You might be the boring one if anything, because you can’t understand why people love something and get interested in it…

  • Exponential growth, thats about all there is to it. Advancing from clacking rocks to hunting deer is actually already a huge advancement.

    Those 190k years in caves however werent non-advancing. A lot of advancements happened over those years.

    Fires, wheels, knot tying, ceramics, pottery, grains, hunting, animal husbandry, medicine, language, art, music, rope…

    Also, 10k years is after we gained writing of various forms to store information.

    Keep in mind thats at the stage of shit like egypt, the great pyramids, etc. We were waaaaay beyond “cavemen” at that point. We already had trade routes, cities, nations, countless languages, doctors, etc.

    The big issue was before that point, all our forms of storing information were just not able to stand the test of time very well, is all. We stopped being “cavemen” way before that mark though.